I hate weekends!!!



  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    The alcohol, the bad choices, the parties, the lack of options, the lack of pre-logging or pre-planning. I go into the weekend and begin each day of the weekend with absolutely great intentions and then I either run out of calories too early in the day or I don't log until I'm already 3 brownies deep. Oh, I lose it so bad and have been saying for months that I need to stop it.
    How do I turn intentions into actions?
    Now I just need to turn this knowledge into actions.
  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    1. Portion control
    2. Pre-log your food, if possible. I find it easier to stay within goal when I give it some thought ahead of time.

    You can do this, you just have to want it badly enough!

    that's what im trying this weekend. I always forget to come on MFP and i eat the worst on the weekends and go out and stuff. good luck!
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member

    I so agree that preplanning is critical,

    for me there is an element of need to reward myself for the sacrifices of the week, you know I deserve this .....

    so for me this is my plan, come friday I am going to rejoin this thread and if necessary report in hourly and really squeeze some control out of myself,

    that means some serious rewards the do not involve food, it will take the entire week to think about what would give me the same feeling,

    I would love an massage, cannot afford it, husband not the massuse type,

    shopping for anything is a drag,

    too hungry for long walk on the beach,

    bubble bath, no,

    I will give myself a good nap, that should so for an hour or so,

    when food has been my best friend for my whole life it is hard to replace,

    will think now,

    btw thank you for starting this thread
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    some really good suggestions here.
    I definitely will have to put in some excercise time. I don't normally exercise on the weekend because I have so much to do, cleaning, laundry all that good stuff. During the week, I am so much more controlled.

    SO I am going to try :

    1) exercise
    2) pre-planning

    I will start here. AND I also am going to watch this thread.
  • Fluffy1962
    Fluffy1962 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm right there with you. I can be great all week long and then the weekend rolls around and I have absolutely no will power what so ever. I feel like I'm the only one in my family as well as friends that struggles with weight issues!!! I am going to have to develope a stonger backbone to stay away from the bad stuff... I need help, too!!!!
  • MB66
    MB66 Posts: 1
    I find weekends tough as well. Especially summer weekends. Unexpected guests, heading out with friends, or just plain 'ol chillaxin days at home. And then there's the kids! They need more healthy calories, I do not, we have different metabolisms. They can all wreak havoc on health and fitness goals.
    Once in awhile I have what I call 'Faterday'. Usually once a month at most. Take a day to eat whatever you want. Just ONE day... You have to be disciplined with this idea. The following day get out and do something physical. You gotta break a sweat! Gotta have a plan. Funny enough, I find I tend to eat better anyways because I don't keep junkfood in the house. I have to go out and get it. No temptations at home.
    I also menu plan on a two week basis. Nothing complicated... Mon-fish, Tue chicken, Wed.pasta, Thurs, fish. Fri. chicken, Sat beef, Sun beans/legumes...you get the idea. Then I add whatever veg I desire + a salad(mostly greens) with every meal. Having a guideline, a plan, and a new way of thinking about food can make a huge difference. Think about all the new yummy, healthy, life extending foods and activities there are out there to try! Think about how you can share these things with the people you love! Think about it as a whole new world of discovery, an adventure for you and your family.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Well this weekend was no different than any other. I failed miserably!!!!!
    So I have to bust my butt (literally) to get back to where I was on Friday morning weigh-in.:explode:

    This is my biggest goal, TO CONQUER THE WEEKENDS!!!
  • Reneefit135
    Its hard for me on weekends and travel time..so tough to go over. I like the tip about prelogging food and doing more excercise.
  • hm195
    hm195 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree weekends are also the hardest for me, my family eats what they want and i don't keep as busy as i do during the week at work so i eat out of bordem and stress with family issues and just have the ability to eat more, i blew it this weekend but i'm back on track today, about the best thing i can say is no matter how much you blow it on the weekend, don't beat yourself up, just start again fresh on Monday and hope for the best for the next weekend, that is the advice i have to give myself on a regular basis
  • tstigers68
    Man you said it right! My weekends kill me, during the week I do pretty well most days. Friday night and Saturday are my achilles heal. I do like the pre logging and until I read this string I'm pretty sure the reason Sunday is better is that I plan my meals most Sundays, so I'm going to try that for Saturday also. Great conversation, thanks everyone for commenting!!!
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    I am going to have to make a more concious effort to pre-log for the weekend. Friday I am just going to have to do something to make my weekends go smoother.
    I wish everyone luck, including myself!!
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Same here!! the last two weekends I have completely blown my diet!!! Even the extra exercise hasn't helped.. :( I totally understand. I think my only hope will be to be out of my house so I don't have access to my kitchen for the majority of the 48 hours!! :-/
  • krissagray
    krissagray Posts: 105 Member
    Well this weekend was no different than any other. I failed miserably!!!!!
    So I have to bust my butt (literally) to get back to where I was on Friday morning weigh-in.:explode:

    This is my biggest goal, TO CONQUER THE WEEKENDS!!!

    I am with you! Weekends kills me. I am a weekend ER nurse, night shift 7p-7a. I am up 24 hours on Saturday every weekend. At about 3a, my willpower gets weak and usually end up with WAY too many BLT's. Someone brought in Heath Bar Dip with Cinnamon Graham crackers. Then someone else brought in hersheys drops, peanut butter bugles, chips, chex mix...and more! It was crazy. I was charge nurse and it was a crazy night. One bite led to about 100. So frustrating. I ended up taking home a ton of healthy food I never ate.

    So to FIX this problem, I am pre-planning this weekend. I am also not going to take things that take a lot of time to eat. So I am taking protein shakes, Quest Protein Bars, string cheeses, apples, berries, pre packaged chicken. 10 days until the beach. I MUST MASTER THIS WEEKEND!