Question about Wii Fit Plus- Advise needed.

My daughter has Wii. I am converting a room to a Fitness room.

Besides a TV and the Wii- what else would I need to buy to use the Wii Fit Plus for cardio kickboxing/ cardio exercise? Please advise. TY in advance


  • randkwellborn
    All you need is the board (of course) and the wii mote with a numchuck attached. We have the Wii fit plus too and I have found muscles I forgot were there; I had been working out with just the Wii Fit (ergular) but the Plus adds so much more to it. If you want a great lower body workout too try the bike ride, WOW!!!!!
    Have fun and do not over do it, the games are fun and challenging that you forget that you are working out. I try for 30 minutes a day and always end up with 50! :laugh:
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    I love love love my Wii Fit Plus! You will need the wii balance board. I think you can get it bundled with the wiifit plus disc.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Then whose exercise CD's do you exercise to? Or which Wii exercise CD's?
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Then whose exercise CD's do you exercise to? Or which Wii exercise CD's?

    The Wii Fit is a whole new concept. You can play games or set up a routines and goals you want to complete. With the Wii Fit Plus, it even tells you how many calories you are burning. You can find out more information at:
  • randkwellborn
    With the Wii Fit plus and the Wii Fit you can challenge your kids to beat your high score or for you to beat theirs. Just have fun, either game is beneficial all around it gets people moving and that is the most important part. In todays age the kids (and adults) park their butts in front of a computer or the television to play video games and while that helps the eye hand coordination, it also widens the back
    With either Fit or Fit Plus the family will have fun as a group with the mulitplayer games.
    The Wii fit Plus has most of all the exercises that the original Fit does so you can still get a fantastic work out.
    Have fun. :smile:
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Thanks. When I get back from vacation- I am going to look into buying the "accessories" and using this.