skinny fat eating and fit eating...

just wondering what others think on this topic. i have been thinking over my goals (which are to have muscle definition) and got to thinking. before i started this jouney i ate whatever i wanted but in moderation. i ate "clean" foods and not so clean foods but i never stuffed my face or binged lol. and i didnt really work out besides some walking. i was smaller than i am now but i was skinny fat. now that i am trying to get more muscle definiton and abs i am starting to wonder if its more about what i eat? if i was to go back to eating like i did before but kept up my workouts could i reach my goals or do i need to be diligiant in the macro department to achieve what i want? thoughts?

as an FYI i workout now 6x a week lifting heavy, spin, zumba, HIIT, running, ect.


  • Yup, I do think if you want to tone and be fit, not "skinny fat," then you do need to watch what you're putting in your body. Not just the calorie content of it. I don't think you need to be super strict, but definitely pay more attention to the macros.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Building muscle in a caloric deficit is very difficult, but maintaining as much of it as possible while losing fat isn't. Make sure you're getting adequate protein (I aim for 30% of my daily calories), as proteins are the "building blocks" of muscle. Stay in a caloric deficit, but make sure you're taking in enough to fuel your workouts - that's an awful lot of activity. Some may recommend that you cut back a bit on your cardio if muscle is your main focus.
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    i know getting enoug protein matters. i eat about 200grams a day. but what about the other macros? what about eating pizza, candy, drinking, ect?
  • margojr4
    margojr4 Posts: 259 Member
    I know for me if I eat really clean (no processed, limit alcohol, etc) my belly is flat, my skin is clear, and I feel great! Once I eat other stuff, though it tastes soooo good at the time, it usually backfires (bloat, sluggishness)

    My trainer, who used to compete in figure compititions, said she ate super clean. Living off of fish and asparagus for months lol. I don't want to be that strict. I have found a balance that works for me.

    So yes, I think proper clean macros work best to achieve fit goals :)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i know getting enoug protein matters. i eat about 200grams a day. but what about the other macros? what about eating pizza, candy, drinking, ect?

    200g is more the adequate, and I assume you're lifting heavy as well. As for eating so called "unclean" foods, it doesn't really matter all that much. I'd focus on getting mostly whole, nutrient dense foods, but see no issues with fitting some pizza, candy, beer etc in your diet from time to time
  • rward007
    rward007 Posts: 32
    I just can't eat bad food and workout. I don't know that there would be much wrong with it if I was meeting my nutritional goals, but if I eat poorly my runs and workouts suffer. I do still indulge in alcohol once a week, but that's usually before my rest day.
  • alexis831
    alexis831 Posts: 469 Member
    I just posted this on another board about eating. Might help you out a little although this was about a lady saying you have to eat certain foods to loose belly fat. Really its about you and your body and moderation... I don't have moderation tho ;)

    If you guys looked at my diet you would crap your pants at the amount of candy bars and ice cream I consume in a week/day. Its calories in and calories out (edited: and how your body works in regards to building muscle and what you like to eat and how your body reacts to that). Think I am on twix bar #6, little debbie #5 for this last week and I stopped counting how many cookies I ingested or ice cream because I ran out of fingers and toes to count them on (typing as I finish my chocolate chip mint ice cream). Oww I also ate 5 chocolate chip cookies yesterday! Oh and donuts... had 2 of those last Thursday & Friday and taco bell and wendy's owww and 4 strawberry shortcakes. Mmm. The only thing healthy I ate today was the sausage that I dripped in cheese and syrup and shoved in between two pieces of white processed bread. The hot dog for dinner wasn't very "healthy" either neither were the sour cream and onion chips. I'm at 16.3% body fat as of today from 25% after birth. I normally am around 18-20%. Going for 15% maybe 14%... we will see....

    I still happen to be building muscle on this with a 500-1000 deficit eating mostly carbs and very little weights (mostly plyo & pushups and so on). I have maintained the same weight of about 108 and went down from 19.7% body fat to 16.3% over the last 2 months or so and lost a ton of inches, gained a ton of muscle.



    .... not that i would recommend this for anyone (low carb doesn't work for me might for you) but it goes to show you its calories in and calories out. AND a good freakin workout! Protein is great for building muscle but even with the candy bars I am still packin the muscle on so go enjoy your delicious goodness! I am a junk food crazy person and I don't think I could diet without my candy! Hope that helps!

    So go find out what works for your body.