Eating back Excercise Calories



  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    try adding higher cal, packed with good nutrition snacks such as nuts, nut butters, ect.

    A handful of almonds will get you right up where you need to be.

    I don't eat back all unless I'm hungry

    But I also make sure i net 1200+
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I set my daily calories to include my proposed exercise so I don't have to think about eating back anything :)

    I used scooby's calculator (google it)
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    Everyone is different. Some people have trouble wit carbs, others salt, others cheese..I think every body has different triggers.

    IF you want to eat some of your calories back:
    try small amounts of nuts or greek yogurt.
    Make a smoothie
    Veggies and hummus
    half a sandwich
    apple with peanut butter

    I find I need to eat some of them back depending on my work out for that day. I have had days where I did 2 classes and then went on a bike ride with my family..and mowed the lawn.. so on those days I will eat a little more.

    I cannot eat heavy stuff at makes me gain weight. I can have popcorn or a fudsicle but thats about it.

    Best of luck!
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I have been trying to decide rather or not to eat back the calories because i haven't been losing. However several on here have lost a lot more when they did eat back the exercise calories. Most days i want to eat them bc 1200 is so very hard to stick to. Im leaning towards that its best not to eat them back at least not all. That being said if you are having trouble fitting them all in maybe see how you do without eating back all the exercise calories.

    I eat at least half my exercise calories back, especially if I am hungry, sometimes more. I use a HRM so I have a better of idea of what I am actually burning. This is a lifestyle change, therefore, I am eating like I want to be able to eat the rest of my life. That being said, I eat around 1550 calories without exercise calories. I have never been on 1200 calories, I would not be able to handle it!!!
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    my dietician told me not to eat past 6. Your body retains that as fat. The only exception is for diabetics, They need to because of blood sugar levels
    This is not true. Your dietician needs to check their facts.

    And what is YOUR education to be able to say this... Something you read on the internet? sigh... if I even LOOK at food in the evening I gain... I am a firm believer in not eating after 7pm...

    Common sense. Experience. Over 140lbs of it. Where's your info from, hmmm? Magazines and other crapola that tell you not to eat in the evening? That where you get that lovely attitude as well? Your body doesn't dictate the time of day. It doesn't suddenly go "ermahgerd, it's after 7, that food is going straight to your thighs" or whatever. That's not how the human body works. Science fail.
    More than likely, people eat extraneous foods and stuff with crappy nutritional content in the evening. And overindulge. Hence the gain. If you're within a decent calorie allowance and at a good macro ratio, you can eat whenever you bloody well please. I do, and it's worked for me for years. If you personally gain by eating anything late at night regardless of nutrition, you're either a medical marvel or dishonest about what you eat.

    Then I suppose you can categorize me under medical marvel. I dont know if I am sensitive to everything under the sun after years of yoyo dieting, but the other day I ate one bag of edamame...140 calories at 9pm before bed and Ive weighed 2lbs more ever since. I know it makes no sense, but it happens to me all.the.time. If I want to lose this last 20lbs, I have to go to bed hungry...
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    my dietician told me not to eat past 6. Your body retains that as fat. The only exception is for diabetics, They need to because of blood sugar levels
    This is not true. Your dietician needs to check their facts.

    And what is YOUR education to be able to say this... Something you read on the internet? sigh... if I even LOOK at food in the evening I gain... I am a firm believer in not eating after 7pm...

    Common sense. Experience. Over 140lbs of it. Where's your info from, hmmm? Magazines and other crapola that tell you not to eat in the evening? That where you get that lovely attitude as well? Your body doesn't dictate the time of day. It doesn't suddenly go "ermahgerd, it's after 7, that food is going straight to your thighs" or whatever. That's not how the human body works. Science fail.
    More than likely, people eat extraneous foods and stuff with crappy nutritional content in the evening. And overindulge. Hence the gain. If you're within a decent calorie allowance and at a good macro ratio, you can eat whenever you bloody well please. I do, and it's worked for me for years. If you personally gain by eating anything late at night regardless of nutrition, you're either a medical marvel or dishonest about what you eat.

    Then I suppose you can categorize me under medical marvel. I dont know if I am sensitive to everything under the sun after years of yoyo dieting, but the other day I ate one bag of edamame...140 calories at 9pm before bed and Ive weighed 2lbs more ever since. I know it makes no sense, but it happens to me all.the.time. If I want to lose this last 20lbs, I have to go to bed hungry...

    One bag of edamame at 140 calories will not make you gain 2 lbs. You need 7000 calories over your maintenance calories in order to gain 2 lbs.

    If you are holding on to an extra 2lbs it is likely water weight.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member

    One bag of edamame at 140 calories will not make you gain 2 lbs. You need 7000 calories over your maintenance calories in order to gain 2 lbs.

    If you are holding on to an extra 2lbs it is likely water weight.

    I know it makes no sense, and I know the math. but it happens to me all the time.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    Okay your scale weight might be up for whatever reason, but it is not actual weight that you have least not from your edamame after 7:00. It's physically impossible to gain an actual 2 lbs from 140 calories.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    I think the underlying issue isn't when or even what you eat necessarily (although some foods do cause us to retain water temporarily or affect our hormones negatively).

    I think the issue is that your body is responding to a change in your normal routine.

    Many people see a big jump in weight after a weekend. Generally, it's not because they actually eat thousands of calories that causes the body to store pounds of fat, but because we tend to eat differently and have a different activity level on the weekend. After they go back to their normal cycle, the numbers on the scale go back to where they belong.

    If you were to eat edamame every night, you wouldn't see a 2 lb. gain every morning afterwards. Eventually, your body would adjust to the new habit and your weight would level out, provided you're still eating the correct amount of calories.

    But, honestly, it's not really an issue either way. If not eating in the evening is what you feel works for you and helps you live optimally, then go for it! :)

    Edited to fix typo!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    I've recently increased my calories along with the EM2WL theory, I can only say for me I have now got the energy to run and in my 1st week eating more lost weight, I'm starting to worry less about the scales as the improvement in my energy and ability to run/cycle is so much better I believe its right - for me at least.

    As for eating after a certain time at night, my lifestyle doesnt work with eating much earlier than 8-8.30pm and sometimes later, I know there is a theory that eating late at night means you store calories as fat but not sure, I'd have to starve if that was the case.

    I can only say try different things to see what suits you but if you're finding yourself hungry and you're exercising lots then maybe you do need a few more cals, but wouldnt say eat them for eatings sake.
  • klynn_cox
    klynn_cox Posts: 17
    If you cant eat them all dont worry about it but at least try to. I have the same problem if I put in a really good work out and burn up about 500+ cals then its hard for me to eat them back. But heres how I see it. Yoru body needs calories to work. So if you arent eating enough to fuel your body to actually burn the fat then you jus stop burn fat and you start storing it because your body thinks it need to save it up to use it later. Not a good thing. Just like a car need gas you need calories. As long as you are not eating to the point of over fufilment then you are fine. Yes eat things that are a little higher in caloric intake like avocados, cheese, nuts things like these will add cals but not hurt your diet. If you think of it this way it makes counting your calories and dieting a whole lot easier because its like a treat that you earned to get to eat the extra calories .
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Good lord, hug it out, people.

    OP- I will eat back some, depending on the day. If I'm under, I'm under. I don't stress. If you're happy, energetic, not feeling deprived and your body is becoming healthier, then rock on. :)