First time slimmer aged 47 and 5'3'' weigh 145lb

So decided to do something about it, want to get to under 140lb by end of August as I'm off to Rome so here goes !!! Been lucky I haven't needed to before but the weight has been creeping up behind me (if you get my drift) Not a lover of exercise as I have problems with my feet so jumping around or running is out of the question, any ideas anyone? xx Jenny from Essex in England xx


  • gaylynn35
    gaylynn35 Posts: 854 Member
    Try bike riding or some low impact aerobics.
  • Hello Jenny! Welcome to MFP. This is a great place full of supportive people.

    If you have access to a pool, swimming is a great form of low-impact exercise. Perhaps maybe a rowing machine would give you some benefit as well, or a stationary bike, or a regular bike. Don't forget a little strength training as well!

    Have fun!
  • jenmilne12
    jenmilne12 Posts: 13
    Thanks will have a go xx
  • hello, I'm 48 and 5' 3" and weigh 146. I broke my foot twice in the last four months!! talk about foot problems! I want to go to the gym, but I'm waiting for the foot to heal a few more weeks. just broke a bone a couple of weeks ago. when I do go to the gym, I work out only for 30 minutes or so. I certainly don't over do it. wish I were more motivated :)
  • Hi. Im 45 and 5"5" and about 148 lbs. I have been experiencing the creep on of the pounds too! I want to get ahead of it before it gets too daunting. No new injuries here - just old ACL reconstruction and general aging - so no jumping around for me either. I hope to be able to get in a lot of fast walks with the dog and just got a great local personal training package from one of the discount sites so hopefully those will help with motivation.

    Need to get a photo up here too! Any one in the NorthEast?
  • sbaten
    sbaten Posts: 18 Member
    I second the swimming suggestion. Complete body workout with no impact. Also a great calorie burn.
  • I am 31 and from Northants. I weigh 140 (just lost 7lb yay!!) and am 5'3. I have never needed to even care what i have eaten in the past let alone watch what i eat but recently i have piled on the pounds. I have been building up the exercise gradually over the last month as i have had 2 partial knee replacements and one realignment. At first couldnt do anything due to the knee restrictionss but have now managed to start jogging! It just takes a bit of motivation! Feel free to add me!