30 Day Fitness Challenge w/ prizes starting August 1st!!!

Are you tired of trying to lose the weight alone??? Well you don't have to do it alone! In fact if you are like me it is really hard to do this alone! I started out at 223 and never worked out! Then I went through a divorce and lost 30lbs with diet, and then I found fitness! I started with p90x and I am currently doing Turbo Fire. I love both programs, but I also like to just pick other videos off Netflix and throw them into my routines also! No matter what your fitness level you can do this! I would like to invite you to join my challenge group with daily motivation and support!!! In my opinion you can't have to many support groups, I am part of several!!

Starting August 1st I will be starting a 30 day challenge!! After 30 days whoever has had the most success will be awarded a prize along with 2nd and 3rd place winners also!! I have regained my life and I want to help others regain theirs! I have a long ways to go to reach my goals, but I am well on my way! Lets do this together!!!

For more info on the challenge you can send me a message or join my Facebook group @ http://www.facebook.com/groups/198883410238301/

I look forward to seeing you in the group!!!