hypothyroidism pals?



  • falnangel1205
    Hi, I too have hypothyroidism and on .05mg of thyroid meds. I was diagnosed just about a year ago...what is iinsteresting is that I was never told by my Primary about watching salt intake (possibly because I was already doing that to prior problems with retaining fluid and HBP) and I also was not aware about zinc.

    I am going to my primary tomorrow, because I am noticing increased hair loss in the last two months as well as skin that has become much dryer than ive had in the past. I knew there would be some hair loss after my lap-band surgery, because of decreased nutrients based on eating less..but i am religiously taking a multivitamin to supplement for that..so im concerned about needing to up thyroid meds...so while i am there I will ask him to give me more info regarding the salt and zinc.

    I would love to have pals on here with similar issues so pleazse feel free to add me. Thanks so much for posting on this topic.

  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    I have hypothyroidism as well Feel free to add me :)
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    Feel free to add me...I was diagnosed about 15 years ago and have been taking thyroid meds ever since. Wishing you well on your way to bringing the pounds down.
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    I will be honest. If you are on thyroid replacement your inability to lose weight has nothing to do with your medical condition. I have been on synthroid for about ten years ago. Five years ago I lost 73 pounds on a doctor recommended diet program. I regained 50 pounds over the course of the years because I returned to my carbohydrate addiction. An added factor was a long standing back problem that prevented me from exercising...or even walking to any great extent. After having corrective surgery I decide it was time to get back into shape. I now exercise 6 days a week and try to keep my daily intake at or below my target. I have a good beginning on my journey back to being in shape. I wish you well.:happy:

    I'm sorry, but in actuality that is not true for everybody. In 2009 I lost 75lbs exercising and following WW. Gained 30lbs back all while exercising 5-7 d/week, and staying within my calorie goal. And When I say exercising, I don't mean walking 30 min (not that there is anything wrong with that.... I love walking :))... I mean training for triathlons, half marathons, and century bike rides.

    The thyroid controls everything in a body, from weight loss to sex drive, to fatigue.

    Additionally, a person may be lab work okay, and not be okay from a true health perspective. Medication (T4 medication) alone is not the answer either. T3 replacement, should be evaluated. Adrenal fatigue also should be monitored.

    This is a fantastic site to get more information. http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

    Medication alone may be enough for someone for a long time, but then again, like me, there may come a time where the body can suddenly go on a decline and medication is not enough to treat it.
  • coffka
    coffka Posts: 2 Member

    I was diagnosised with hypothyroidism 13 years ago. I am currently taking synthroid alternating doses .150mcg & .175mcg. I have yo-yo'd up and down with my weight for the last 10 years, always 10-20 pounds before I take notice and start paying attention to my exercise and diet. I have found a diet lower in carbs helps me keep the weight off...but boy is that hard!

    I live in St. Louis and have 3 daughters, 16, 13 and 4. We have two horses the older girls show at local fun shows.
    I would love to have your support!

  • Pir8life
    Pir8life Posts: 9
    I will be honest. If you are on thyroid replacement your inability to lose weight has nothing to do with your medical condition. I have been on synthroid for about ten years ago. Five years ago I lost 73 pounds on a doctor recommended diet program. I regained 50 pounds over the course of the years because I returned to my carbohydrate addiction.

    I'm no doctor or expert but in my own case I believe what you said to be true. I take what some would say a HUGE amount of Synthroid. I can be very lazy and love to eat comfort foods/carbs. Anytime that I have "chosen" to lose weight and actually give it a good go for a few days, I've lost weight. Sometimes just on diet alone and no exercise. I think that if you're gaining weight you're either not eating/exercising properly, or your meds are off.
  • laurarecio
    laurarecio Posts: 1 Member
    Looks like you've been able to take weight off regardless of hypothyroidism. That's encouraging to me . Thanks
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    There's a hypo/hyperthyroidism group on the website that you should join!

    I'm still pre-clinical, so I'm not sure I have anything helpful to say. Sorry. :ohwell:
  • bethanp
    bethanp Posts: 72 Member
    Feel free to add me. Was diagnosed about 3 years ago and taking Synthroid generic daily.

    I never really connected my hard time losing weight with my thyroid, though I hadn't been trying to again till recently
  • Cristin129
    Thank you all! I will be adding you all soon, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
  • wtlos4me
    wtlos4me Posts: 39 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 7 years ago. I am 48. My weight hasn't generally changed much, but the distribution of my body fat certainly has! I am really trying now to drop some much needed weight now. I do think fatigue can make it generally harder to lose weight too. The important thing is to fire up our engines with more vigorous exercise to get our mitochondria working again.

    I had not heard about watching sodium intake or the zinc before because of the thyroid, although I watch sodium anyway because of a hereditary kidney disease.

    Feel free to add me! - and Good Luck!
  • bhfood
    bhfood Posts: 77
    Hi, I am hypothyroid too. Have been for years now. My biggest drawback besides that this condition tends to fatigue me is that I hate exercise. I am starting over again and also looking for buddies in my quest. I have to lose 50 lbs. I have lost 20 in the past but have gotten stuck here for 2 yrs. I need moderation and stick-to-itive-ness. Would love to talk to you. I'm on facebook. Barbara Hull. the one with the picture with long hair husband is me, not the other one. I live in a duplex in long beach, ca. City person. I love country though.
  • bhfood
    bhfood Posts: 77
    hi, kim. I agree with what has been said there about condition not having MUCH to do with your wt loss efforts, but as a nurse and one who has it and am on synthroid I have been told that same thing that it doesn't have much to do with it by doctors. However, I beg to differ with that because my experience has been that it has been more difficult since I was dx with hypothyroid. So advice is advice. You form your own opinion. I applaud you for being honest and trying to lose. I'm here with ya too.
  • alyssasmith1
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I was diagnosed with hypothyrodism one year ago and I am still a teenager. I am also on synthroid. Keep trying to exercise as much as you can. Watch out for refined carbs they will just slow down your already slow metabolism because of hypo. I would advise talking to your doctor to see what advice he/she has. There are medicines that can speed up your metabolism like Glucaphage/Metformin I think it's called, but make sure you talk about risk factors, what happens when you get off the medicine, etc. You should only explore the medicine option as a last resort. I am still struggling with this as well so if I find out anything from my doctor or anything that helps I'll be sure to pass along the knowledge! Good luck :)
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    I was diagnosed about 16 years ago and have been on Synthroid since that time. Any of you please feel free to add me. I'm fairly new to MFP and was just told that I had reached my limit of sending friend requests for a while. I'll send more later. :smile:
  • annemama
    annemama Posts: 245 Member
    I'm also hypo. I take T3 and T4 daily. It is definitely slow-going as far a weight-loss in concerned, but it CAN be done. I remember years ago reading an article about a female bodybuilder who was hypo... she gave me inspiration! I'm 41, married, and have three handsome boys who (thank goodness) seem to have inherited their father's metabolism! I would love for any or all of you to send me a friend request.
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 14 (15 years ago!) and my dosage has been steadily increasing over the years. I'm currently taking 200mcg. I've gone through so many tests and changes of dose and have even been HYPERthyroid from getting too much synthroid--I've been all over the place. But even through all that I've managed to lose over 25 lbs and keep the weight off. I stay active and continually watch what I eat. I find the other side effects much worse. I have so many issues and can always tell if my dose is off from the way my body is acting. It's hard because your thyroid controls EVERYTHING, but as far as medical conditions go this one is pretty manageable.
  • Cristin129
    Wow, thank you everyone! I'm already learning stuff my DR never told me! I'm starting to be hopeful with small changes weight loss is possible! I am adding you all as fast as I can. They apparently limit you to so many add requests every 10 minutes. LOL
  • rashmirao74
    rashmirao74 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello people
    Good to know I'm not alone. I was a healthy 160 pound woman till I developed Hashimoto. It went undiagnosed for a year. Was feeling tired all the time so could hardly exercise. Slowly the pounds piled on. Went through a divorce, more pounds piled on. After 3 years I'm now 203 pounds. I want to lose weight not just for aesthetics but because I want to be healthy for my son. I'm an Indian and vegetarian. Working really hard at the gym to shed the excess but so far no results...... would love to hear success stories of people who have Hashimoto and lost weight. Tips are welcome too.

    Please feel free to add me..... I'm new at this. I could use some motivation:-)
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I would love for you to add me as well. I am new to this and hoping it can help me. I was hypo and then it turned into Hashimoto's. Three months after being diagnosed with Hashimoto's I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer, had 2 surgeries, after having my thyroid completely removed I needed radiation to kill the active cancer cells. The WORST part of this was having NO thyroid and not being able to take any medications (cannot take until after radiation is complete). In the 2.5 months I waited to be back on my meds I gained 30lbs on top of the 20 I had previously gained. I am a short person and every pound feels horrible! I have been on my medication since January and cannot lose a pound no matter what I do.I understand I have no thyroid and I am working against myself but I am unhappy and need to lose weight. I would love motivation and to see the progress others in the same/similar situation make!