Getting Ready at the Gym?



  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    Get a rollup make up bag: and stock it with everything from your normal make up to the stuff you rarely use (ex: safety pins/tide stain sticks etc). Since you won't be at home to get ready, try and make sure that you have all the stuff you could possibly need. Pack at least 2 sets of bras/underwear as the bra you have in the duffel bag may not be the best for the top you have chosen to wear. Try out dry shampoo at home before you take it to the gym, some people find that they don't like how their hair looks when they use dry versus wet shampoo.
  • Pgarcia413
    Pgarcia413 Posts: 28
    To the children disguised as adults posting on this thread - I'm telling your mom. :)

    Seriously, be happy for people wanting to live a healthy lifestyle. She's making it a priority and doing what she can to workout. Think of how many people would just use it as an excuse not to work out (I don';t want to get all stinky for work.)

    Kudos to you, uh. OP since I forgot to read your name before I hit reply. :)

    I have both taken a full shower, that's what they are there for. Blow dry and style my hair, makeup, deodorant, the usual AND brush my teeth. I guess it depends on your gym, but mine was clean so I treated it like my bathroom. They even had the vanity section with the big mirrors and lots of outlets and counter space to lay all your stuff out.

    At work when I would go for a midday run, I did what another poster suggested. I'd wash my face, use body wipes and feminine wipes. Put on some deodorant, light body spray (nothing overwhelming). Redo my make-up, fix my hair and I was done. I was fine and my friends who are honest with me told me I didn't stink (trust, they would have told me if I did.)
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    LMAO.......I wake up have a cup of green tea and some type of protien, then i go to the bathroom and rinse my face off and wet my hair with cold water. I then put on my bandana on shorts/muscle shirt and go workout. After I come home and shower. LMAO
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I typically go to the gym during my lunch hour. So, I have to be work ready in the morning, but also after my workout. I do have to shower and wash my hair, and blow dry after - but can do that in 10 minutes. I choose not to wear make-up, because I don't want to take the time.
  • CassandraM22
    No kidding. Read the post before bashing the poster. Not everyone is a telemarketer that can go to work stinky and disheveled.

    I'm the closest thing to a telemarketer you can get (tech support for a telecommunications company) and they require us to look professional. Just cause we are behind the phones doesnt mean we are gicky looking, we are sitting there with our hair done and nice clothes and yes...we do smell good.

    To the OP, we bought a little travel kit at walmart that you can put your own shampoo and conditioner and stuff in, it had like 5 bottles. So I filled them with shampoo/cond./body wash/spray and I carried a little deodorant with me. I don't go to the gym. I carry that around with me. lol. I'm paranoid like that and I like to plan ahead. But I'm sure it would be more than enough for the gym as well and much smaller to carry.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I would totally get ready in the locker room. I go to the Y and I just go home from there so I don't bother but if I had to go to work afterwards I would get ready there. I see women at the Y do it all the time and sometimes I see YMCA employees taking advantage of the locker room to change clothes and spruce up before leaving as if they are going somewhere after. That's why the Y has the hair dryers. Do what you feel comfortable doing! I think most people won't really care. Also I see a lady in my water aerobics class that goes to work right after and she gets out of the pool when we start the cool-down so she can get to the showers first (no waiting) and she's usually blow-drying her hair by the time I leave the shower.

    Hey, at least you are working out! And even better, you care about not smelling like you just worked out! I'm sure your coworkers appreciate that, lol. good job and keep up the good work!
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I work out at home now but when I did go to the gym, I didn't do much for class but if I was going t work or going out I always just showered and did hair and make up there

    Oh and I pad the 90 a year for a locker and towel service.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Dude wtf? How would this be a troll post?

    Anyway I would just shower after my work out and get ready there at the gym.
  • NoleGirl0918
    NoleGirl0918 Posts: 213 Member
    i try my best to go to the gym 5 days a week & morning works best for me, so i totally get ready at the gym. Sometimes things do come up with the kids & i have to go after work, but then i can go straight home. It totally doesn't make sense to me to take a shower before going to the gym when i know that i'm going to get sweaty & icky - just my opinion. i live about 30 minutes away from the gym & the gym is about 2 blocks away from my office, so going back home after working out to get ready isn't an option. i have a BIG gym bag that holds my body wash, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, hair-styling products (being in Florida it depends on the humidity which product is needed on a day - LOL), towels, clothes, shoes, etc. i don't take a blow dryer with me to the gym & found out the hard way that the hand dryer wasn't a good option, so i get my hair pretty dry with the towel & then style it. i'm not a big make-up wearer, so it literally takes me about 2 minutes once i get to the office to do that. So far this has worked well for me & i get to the office on time without a problem.

    Good luck to you on your fitness journey :-)
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    No kidding. Read the post before bashing the poster. Not everyone is a telemarketer that can go to work stinky and disheveled.

    I'm the closest thing to a telemarketer you can get (tech support for a telecommunications company) and they require us to look professional. Just cause we are behind the phones doesnt mean we are gicky looking, we are sitting there with our hair done and nice clothes and yes...we do smell good.

    To the OP, we bought a little travel kit at walmart that you can put your own shampoo and conditioner and stuff in, it had like 5 bottles. So I filled them with shampoo/cond./body wash/spray and I carried a little deodorant with me. I don't go to the gym. I carry that around with me. lol. I'm paranoid like that and I like to plan ahead. But I'm sure it would be more than enough for the gym as well and much smaller to carry.

    Haha that wasn't meant to be a bash on telemarketers (or tech support for that matter. There was a telemarketing place near where I worked and when the employees were outside before work or for smoke breaks I swear the place looked like a bus station. Pretty much all the people you can imagine whose tattoos, piercings, or general hygiene would prevent from holding any other sort of job. I'm sure there are other telemarketing companies with higher appearance standards.