
hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
Anyone used or know someone who has used Sensa? It really seems too good to be true.


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Seems to good to be true = too good to be true. Why not just eat healthy rather than sprinkling magic fairy dust on your big mac or ice cream or whatever they are eating in those commercials?!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    but what if I like magic fairy dust?!

    I just hate the commercials. "Eat whatever you want and still lose weight?!" Yes, seems too good to be true.
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    Yes, I used it. I used it for about a month. (over a year ago now). I lost weight... because the chemical's in the SENSA made my brain decide the food didn't taste good. So I'd only eat a little bit.
    I'd sprinkle it in my coffee every day and make my coffee like normal. A week later I found I didn't want to drink my coffee because it sounded gross! I brought it to work and used it like I was supposed to. '
    I don't remember why I stopped... other than I missed "liking" my coffee. I ended up just doing the eating right and exercising because I LIKE MY FOOD! ha ha

    I'm not convinced it is safe... since I felt like it messed with my head! :(
  • cannibaldoll
    cannibaldoll Posts: 50 Member
    My step mom bought it- to try the "free trial". They give you two months free, you need a credit/debit card to order and then they mail you THREE months, you have to send one month back or they charge you.
    She's also had gastric bypass surgery twice and has struggled to lose weight (she also suffers from a condition in which her legs are swollen- she can't wear long boots, socks- caused by the sugery) after the surgery.

    It honestly scares me- what kind of chemicals/drugs are in there to make me stop eating?!
    The only drugs I know of that make you stop eating are ones that you need a Doctor to prescribe to you or they are illegal!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I ordered the free trial, got it in the mail, looked it over and sent it back. I have enough problems with eating enough food to have me not eat my full serving.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    That commercial is SO stupid. I'm curious to see how it works but I don't want to use keep posting your experiences.
    That stuff is bull. They get you by hoping you will forget to cancle the autoship...Its better to just watch what you eat. whats the saying, 80% diet 20% fitness..Its true.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Only fat lazy Americans would think its a great idea to sprinkle unknown chemicals on their food so that they eat less of what's on their plate. Gross and wasteful. Here's an idea: portion control.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    If you have to rely on crap like this, you've already lost the game...
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    Only fat lazy Americans would think its a great idea to sprinkle unknown chemicals on their food so that they eat less of what's on their plate. Gross and wasteful. Here's an idea: portion control.

    I was only asking a question. I have no intentions of buying it and there is no need in you being a jerk face!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I am curious about it too. I wouldn't use it - I'm successful in getting healthier right now by lifting weights, exercising and eating well (and logging everything into MFP), but I want to know what it *is* and how it allegedly works. I am totally skeptical that something sprinkled on food would help you lose weight, though if it works as one poster said by making the food aversive, I suppose that would have an impact.

    Are you supposed to shake it on everything? Is there a meal plan?

    Really, I suppose the fact that it was at one point using a Real Housewife as a spokesperson should be a clue that it is crap!! LOL
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Another gimmick product. I work in quality assurance.. we listen to similar calls sometimes for all of these stupid TV products (p90x, food lovers fat loss system, stompies, etc) and the goal is simple. Market a really crappy product to seem REALLY overglorified, and charge you like crazy for it. Again. And Again.. and again.

    They will likely upgrade your shipping for some ridiculous fee. Auto ship it multiple times until you cancel (which is typically a hassle) and then try to upsell you on different programs for $2.95 each today and then $19.95 each month thereafter. They hope you don't notice any of these fees.

    That's all buying things off TV in general though.. JUST DON'T DO IT! Waste of money.. you're better off switching up your dietary plan. :)
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    sensa - what a joke
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member

    shake yo sennnnsa! shake yo SEEEENSA!
  • dirtydmvkid
    dirtydmvkid Posts: 184
    *shake shake shake, shake shake shake.... SHAKE YOOO SENSA! SHAKE YO SENSA!* That's me and my girl singing the song followed by raucous laughter and profane jabs at fad diets.
    Garbage. Like others have said, portion control. Bottom line.
  • chiquita2828
    chiquita2828 Posts: 2 Member
    The best way to lose weight is to not take pills or sprinkle chemicals on your food! I was wondering about Sensa myself and heard nothing good from it!! I am satisfied with the progress using this app/ program! I did weight watchers and this is pretty much the same! Except this is free!!!
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    My parent tried it for a few weeks and they did say they didn't have as much of an appetite. But then they also started having really bad gastrointestinal issues. Stopped the Sensa, no more bathroom issues. I tried it for like two days and regardless of what they said, I could taste something different on my food. It also didn't do anything that I could tell, so I took it back. Oh, we bought it at Costco so no subscription or shipping fees.

    I also read on some Amazon reviews of it that the woman used in the internet ads (with the incredible abs) is a professional dancer and has never had a weight issue. I don't know how true that is or not, but didn't help my opinion of it.

    Why did I try it? Desperation, plain and simple. I needed something to work, and gave it a shot. What ended up working was getting up on a Monday morning and weighing myself, seeing that I had hit an all time high. The light flicked on and as soon as I got to my computer I set up an account here and tracked what I ate that day. I've since lost 41 lbs by "going old school".
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    The light flicked on and as soon as I got to my computer I set up an account here and tracked what I ate that day. I've since lost 41 lbs by "going old school".

    Congrats! That is fabulous! Much healthier for you too than whatever creepy chemicals those are!
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    I just bought it from Costco for $40 they sell month 1 and 2 there.
  • bodyrocks365
    I don't think there is anything wrong with getting help with portion control, as long as it's a natural substance that makes you feel full.
    The commericals say nothing about the ingredients so I was curious about the product but now that I know it's chemicals I'm over it.