Calories burned from sex

I've often been told that sex is one of the best exercises you can get. I know this depends on how active you are during the sex and how long it lasts.

I just wondered if anyone logged their calories burnt from sex and what they logged it as? For some reason it doesn't seem appropriate to log it as 'circuit training' - even though it could almost be counted as that?!

I don't have a hrm yet so I can't wear that during and see how many calories I burn (and even if I did own one I don't think I would because it probably isn't going to be the biggest turn on)...

Sorry If anyone is offended by this topic but you did see the name of it and you did click on the link so I can't be responsible for what you have just read. If you don't like it, don't look.

Thanks in advance! xxx


  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    This is a good topic. I am also interested to know.
  • MissKTMc
    MissKTMc Posts: 49
    Sex has a MET value of 1.5 according to the Ainsworth Compendium of physical activities (the standard tables used by exercise scientists).
    Calculate your BMR as follows:
    Females: 655.096+1.85(height, cm)+9.563(weight, kg)-4.676(age, y)
    Males: 66.47+5(height, cm)+13.75(weight, kg)-6.76(age, y)

    Multiply your BMR by 1.5 - this gives you the energy expenditure of having sex all day.
    Divide the figure by 1440 (no. of mins in a day)
    Multiply by the number of minutes spent having sex and there you go, the number of calories burnt having sex. You can just add a new exercise to your exercise diary with this figure.

    BTW, I'm a researcher concerned with energy expenditure and the meausrement of, I'm not a freak who just happens to know the EE of sex!! :)
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    Sex has a MET value of 1.5 according to the Ainsworth Compendium of physical activities (the standard tables used by exercise scientists).
    Calculate your BMR as follows:
    Females: 655.096+1.85(height, cm)+9.563(weight, kg)-4.676(age, y)
    Males: 66.47+5(height, cm)+13.75(weight, kg)-6.76(age, y)

    Multiply your BMR by 1.5 - this gives you the energy expenditure of having sex all day.
    Divide the figure by 1440 (no. of mins in a day)
    Multiply by the number of minutes spent having sex and there you go, the number of calories burnt having sex. You can just add a new exercise to your exercise diary with this figure.

    BTW, I'm a researcher concerned with energy expenditure and the meausrement of, I'm not a freak who just happens to know the EE of sex!! :)

    Thanks, I'll have to sit down and work that out! Knowing about the energy expenditure of sex doesn't make you a freak!
  • I don't have a hrm yet so I can't wear that during and see how many calories I burn (and even if I did own one I don't think I would because it probably isn't going to be the biggest turn on)...

    LOL! I have a HRM watch, and I never thought about wearing it before during sex...I wonder what my husband would say. I may actually try that out.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    thanks for creating this thread. just found out i burned over 1000 calories this weekend :)
  • kelsylenae
    kelsylenae Posts: 3 Member
    I use this website to help me calculate it :)
  • Garethkk
    Garethkk Posts: 21
    Zero calories burned, GET IN!
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    Please help, I really need to know NOW.