Nike+ vs. Treadmill

Hello all! I am not sure if this topic has been presented before but I need a bit of help. I have been to doing what I can at the gym a few weeks. I am at the point, now, where I need to know my calories more exact. Yesterday I decided to stop using my iPod Nano and start using my iPhone.

On the treadmill, I use the provided HRM for one minute during each mile. I did 6.03 miles total. 4 miles at 4 mph and 5% incline. 2 miles at 4 mph and 10% incline. I am 28 years old, 5'5, and 148.6 lbs. The treadmill claimed I burned 1007 calories (ha! I wish!) while my Nike + suggested 685 calories. I do believe the Nike+ only calculates as if you are walking on a flat surface,

I am not sure what to put in my diary. By my own mathematical calculations using a calculator on sparkpeople I figured roughly 506 for 5% incline and 321 for 10% incline = 827.

So I have 3 numbers; 1007 (treadmill) , 827 (sparkpeople), and 685 (nike+). If I take an average of Nike+ and treadmill it is 846 so is sparkpeople correct? I am an accountant by day and I promise that while I love equations this is frustrating!!!!

Thank you for any and all insight!


  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    on my last nike plus run, I ran for about 58 minutes, I ran 6.3 miles, the nike ap had me at around 900 cals burned and my HRM with chest strap had me at around 1150 cals, so the spark estimate looks like it could be pretty accurate, my avg hr was in the high 140 to low 150's. I am 5'7 and 185 lbs, I am 35 years old.
  • Coco_UK
    Coco_UK Posts: 84 Member
    Well, this will only matter if you are planning on eating all the calories back really :-)

    If you only eat half of the highest number you will definitely be safe - that is how I look at it.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I've used Nike+ before and compared it to 2 other apps as well as my HRM and have used what I got from NIke to enter in as what I burned. So it's been right on for me
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    Thanks y'all! Who knows really! Last night treadmill said 1345, Nike+ 722, and spark people 1037.5 so 1345 + 722 = 2067/2=1033.5 so I am starting to think spark people is on to something!