HOW often and for how long?



  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • mamafish2313
    I have worked out for 4 years and hardly ever miss a day. I was, up until this spike in weight, doing weights 3x per week, and high intensity cardio the rest. My goal is to burn over 700 every day. I also run/hill train as a means of cardio. I have done this since the 2nd year I started. The 1st year was introductory, Jillian, 30 mins or so every other day-post baby. I ramped it up, loved my results and then headed back to where I was. Convinced it was muscle, stayed off the scale. My pants ceased to fit, I have noticeable fat around my mid section. Someone posted of over training so I thought maybe varied intensity?

    Not sure how old you are, I didn't look at your profile, but did read you said Post-Baby. Women's hormones change, especially when we have babies. One of the BEST things I ever did for my weight loss as have my hormones checked through saliva testing. My insurance paid it, but you can also get it done through online services - I know Unikey Health Care does them and they provide a phone consultation or written explanation of the results. I have mine checked yearly now through my ARNP, but it took balancing my post-baby hormones to really get the mid-stomach weigh loss moving.

    Another idea - have you tried CLA, it's a supplement that is supposed to target that midbelly fat - do your own research. I didn't see any results when I tried myself. It's also called Tonalin.
    LOL I actually asked about CLA yesterday and the ketones. I didn't get a respnse regarding the CLA but the ketones seemed to have to real results for most. POST baby 4.5 years ago when I started doing shorter DVD's now I have done almost every Beachbody + their hybrid counter parts and running. There for awhile when I would do a tuck jump my belly didn't flap but it does now. jiggle jiggle. I'm 30

    PS love your ICON
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    How often does everyone work out and when you do, how long and at what intensity? I am facing the fact that high intensity 6-7 days per week may actually be hindering my weight loss. It may very well be the culprit that has made me gain back...Not enough healing time, etc. Maybe add yoga or pilates? Skip every other day? But exercise gives me my mental medicine. :love:

    More info needed. Everyone has a different opinion on what high intensity is. What's your current routine? How long have you been doing it? What are your goals? Without info like that all of our suggestions are both random and worthless.

    I have worked out for 4 years and hardly ever miss a day. I was, up until this spike in weight, doing weights 3x per week, and high intensity cardio the rest. My goal is to burn over 700 every day. I also run/hill train as a means of cardio. I have done this since the 2nd year I started. The 1st year was introductory, Jillian, 30 mins or so every other day-post baby. I ramped it up, loved my results and then headed back to where I was. Convinced it was muscle, stayed off the scale. My pants ceased to fit, I have noticeable fat around my mid section. Someone posted of over training so I thought maybe varied intensity?

    Seems like a lot, but I can't point fingers because its pretty similar to my routine. By goal, I was meaning more like are you trying to lose X pounds, get X stronger, run X miles but you gave me a pretty good idea.

    I'm going to suggest that if you're still putting in this type of effort and not seeing results (by results I'm assuming fat loss is your desired result) then I'd look more to diet than your routine. Your routine sounds good to me. Consider upping or lowering calories, based on your past experience