It's all about focus

Ive got two small children. I work out at home, only. Dont belong to a gym. Im also off work in the summer and I always work out in the morning. But like most people would do if they had the chance, I like to sleep in during the summer. ( And by "sleep in", I mean til 6:30-7:00.)
This summer the kids and I would wake up around the same time, so I'd have to work out with them all up under me, in and out of the room and in my way, I'd constantly have to have half my mind alert to what they are doing while unattended, I'd have to break up fights, fix drinks (because someone was thirsty and JUST CANT WAIT another minute), wipe butts, clean spills, tie capes, dress Barbie, etc, etc, etc. And while I still managed to get in a workout every day like this, its TERRIBLE for focusing the mind.

This week I am finally back to work and back to getting up BEFORE the kids and working out alone. ANd the past two days have been GREAT, work out wise! I feel better afterward. Its so nice to be able to focus 100% on what my body is doing, rather than giving half my focus to something else.
I always said that moms and dads who have to workout with kids in the home should get extra freebie calories burned added to their workouts, just because it's also mentally exhausting!! lol