Breastfeeding question



  • SalamanderMeg
    SalamanderMeg Posts: 16 Member
    I was stuck at the same weight when my LO was 9 months old so I dropped my bf calories from 500 to 300 and I started losing again. Now she's 13 months and I only give myself 150 calories. I had no problems with my milk supply when I did this. Just make sure you drink lots of water (I aim for 64 oz a day) and if you are worried about your supply eating oatmeal seemed to boost mine up a bit. Congrats on continuing bfing!
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    Agree with many of the PPs who said keep the cals.

    In general, I love this discussion and it is very motivational for me. I am exclusively breastfeeding a 4.5 month old. Some days I long to have a little more freedom but y'all are is a very special time for me and my baby and it will be over before I know it.

    Anyone looking for a breastfeeding MFP friend, feel free to add me!
  • gibbsgirl
    gibbsgirl Posts: 72 Member
    Oh I have no problem eating all my calories! Lol. I definitely plan to eat all my exercise calories as well. And I actually have a heart rate monitor that I forgot about. Need to dig it up.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    You wont jeapordise your milk supply, you body will look after baby before you! The more she feeds the more you'll make.

    Really, interesting that my milk supply was almost nothing and then when I finally upped my calories it came back full force (at the suggestion of a lactation consultant). My baby wasn't growing at an appropriate rate until I upped my calories and he was able to get more.

    I am nursing a 9 month old who eats 3 meals a day too and I eat 300 additional nursing calories. I am eating about 2300 calories a day with the breatfeeding calories and I'm losing.
  • HeidiHoMom
    HeidiHoMom Posts: 1,393 Member
    I breastfed all 4 of my children for 1 1/2 years. I always found that if I tried lower my calories too much, I just wouldn't lose anymore while breastfeeding. My milk supply didn't really suffer but my body did. Keep the calories until baby is only nursing like once a day, then cut them back. My kids nursed around 3 times a day all the way up until I weaned them so I kept the extra calories.

    Great job on nursing so long! Don't see as many women nursing anymore. I am so glad that I did. My kids are never sick.

    This happened to me too. As soon as I upped my calories I started losing again.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    Congrats for having breastfed for 9 months, and kudos for continuing! I nursed my first for a year, and my youngest until her second birthday. I absolutely loved nursing my babies. They are healthy and beautiful children.

    Make sure you eat throughout the day, little bits like minimeals or snacks, and drink lots of fluids. Pamper yourself a bit with a bubblebath, and maybe drink some Mother's Milk Tea to encourage your milk supply. Oatmeal is a wonderful galactogogue, so eat lots of that. No sage. It can make your milk dry up if you eat too much of it.

    You're doing great!