At home sick on the sofa :-(

I am DRAINED, like exhausted. I don't know what's up. I know there is a viral thing going round.

I went to the gym last night, up for a run this morning at 4.50am. I was tired half way round (only 35mins or so). Came home and was nauseous/dizzy/totally wrecked. Decided not to go to work. Went to bed and slept for 3hrs, could have slept all day to be honest. On the sofa for the remainder of my time thus far watching the Olympics. Just had a bite to eat.

Don't know if I'll be able for spin tomorrow night, wait and see. I know I am a bit mad getting up at 4.50am for a run and this probably has contributed to my tiredness but it's the only time I get to exercise on the evening days my husband and I'm really pushing to lose weight and it's been helping.

Oh well. My bed is calling me but I've to get the kids from the creche. Will head to bed early tonight.


  • Cleo200
    Cleo200 Posts: 62 Member
    Hope you're feeling better soon.

    I've got the same dose, def think its viral., I insisted on bloods last week as I honestly thought I must have become really anaemic. Bloods all clear except for raised markers showing a viral infection.

    I pushed through a work out earlier this evening and I'm so tired now I feel like I'm dying!,I normally feel refreshed after a good 45 minute session, I barely had the energy to raise my arms to shampoo my hair in the shower.

    I'm planning on resting tomorrow and I think the most importaint thing is to listen to your body. If you're feeling ragged out and tired beyond belief similar to those early days with a newborn (that's how I feel!) I think you should not push your body and take your foot off the gas for a day or two. Try and just have a gentle walk with the kids in the afternoon if u need fresh air.

    Hope it buggers off soon and you're feeling back to 100%!!

    C x
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Rest is really important when you're sick. In my view, your body can only handle so much at once. When it's sick, it needs all its resources to fix the problem, so don't worry about getting in the exercise you'd usually push for; give yourself the chance to get better. The easier you are on yourself, the faster you'll be back in top condition. Give it a day or two, and once you're not feeling so tired, go ahead and do another workout (but don't beat yourself up if your performance is still a little off).

    Feel better soon!
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    I had a migraine from hell this morning, so I skipped my morning workout and stayed home from work myself. Hard to go to work when you can't even see to drive. The headache is mostly gone now, just drained so I think I'll not do any workout this evening. I'm just watching my calories today and hope to feel better tomorrow.