How many times have you started over?

So I know I can't be the only seems that way though. I joined MFP toward the end of 2011 and have started over on this journey probably 4 times at least:( The important part is getting back up once you fall though right? No matter how long it takes me, I'm gonna keep getting up. With every fall, I learn more and more about myself so I have to be excited about the journey......


  • Jadbaa
    Jadbaa Posts: 129 Member
    Oh I can't even count how many lol! This is my second time this year though. This time feels different for me though so hopefully I won't have to start over again!
  • Tnessshep
    Tnessshep Posts: 4 Member
    So many times... it's so hard to stay consistant. I have been focusing on one small day at a time and it's been working better. I even tell myself that if I get thru this day without cheating and do at least 20 minutes of exercise then tomorrow I can do what I want.... and when tomorrow comes I feel so good when I wake up I do it again!! But I didn't do well yesterday so I am back starting over today :)
  • AlyiEli2017
    AlyiEli2017 Posts: 81 Member
    I started over maybe twice. I think all those wonderful snacks make me start over. Lol, but I am going to keep pushing because I have a goal and a life I want for myself
  • Sariebon
    Sariebon Posts: 52 Member
    It's been a few times now - I usually fall off the wagon when I visit Australia (which I have done twice in the past year) and I usually end up eating all the food in sight.
    Am hoping I keep it together this time though - I'm currently at the highest healthy weight for my height.
  • nelbie
    nelbie Posts: 11 Member
    I have restarted about four times too.. but this time i have committed myself to stay on here for a full year so i am keeping pictures (biggest loser style), recording my weight, and keeping a blog... i have also added some cool MFP friends that are really helping me stay on track and stay motivated. I also found a group of friends in my area that are running and tracking with me.
  • rldavis120
    rldavis120 Posts: 14 Member
    It seems like I start over every other week. I do well during the 1st part of the week and seem to fall apart toward the end of the week. I feel that as long as I keep starting over, I won't allow my weight to creep up. Started over this week with the goal being to stick with my diet & exercise program for 10 days in a row (on day 3).
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Since joining MFP none, but in the 12 years prior---MANY times. I don't know how many, but I can think of at least 10 times where I had lost about 10-15 pounds and my ex-wife started sabotaging me big time.

    If you keep failing, try to figure out why and remove it if possible.

    Hang in there and do your best.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    So I know I can't be the only seems that way though. I joined MFP toward the end of 2011 and have started over on this journey probably 4 times at least:( The important part is getting back up once you fall though right? No matter how long it takes me, I'm gonna keep getting up. With every fall, I learn more and more about myself so I have to be excited about the journey......

    This is the first time I've gained and lost weight. Gained it in less then a year, lost it in less then a year. Went on the low cal thing before I realized how unhealthy it was first (1200 cals/day) and can understand why some people fall off the wagon. Didn't feel very good so I jumped it up to netting 1670 (often over 2000, the recommended amount for the average healthy women according to the FDA/Health Canada/RDI) and lost a lb a week until goal. Been on maintenance since April, it's been a snap :)
  • 170isthin
    170isthin Posts: 45 Member
    I started over on MFP 8 times and I started over with other diets over 100 times.
  • CaliDreams27
    CaliDreams27 Posts: 34 Member
    Oh I can't even count how many lol! This is my second time this year though. This time feels different for me though so hopefully I won't have to start over again!

    I'm there as well:) My brain is my biggest problem. Everytime I feel like i'm at the brink of a breakthrough, a little voice says "No you're not. You're gonna fail this time just like you did every other time". Sucks but i'm trying to work past it......
  • CaliDreams27
    CaliDreams27 Posts: 34 Member
    So many times... it's so hard to stay consistant. I have been focusing on one small day at a time and it's been working better. I even tell myself that if I get thru this day without cheating and do at least 20 minutes of exercise then tomorrow I can do what I want.... and when tomorrow comes I feel so good when I wake up I do it again!! But I didn't do well yesterday so I am back starting over today :)

    Taking it a day at a time is DEFINITELY a better strategy I think than trying to aim for the bigger picture. Thats one of my new tactics as well:)
  • CaliDreams27
    CaliDreams27 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement guys:) It's good to see that i'm not alone in this. I feel like all of my MFP friends are doing amazing and losing tons of weight and i'm gaining it all and failing over and over while I watch them succeed. My biggest goal right now (while starting over AGAIN) is to figure out why I keep having to start over and how to fix it......
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    2nd go around for me.

    I was 5'10" 280 in grad school 7 years ago and decided to get in shape. I lost down to 178 in 6 months then put on weight (while keeping my body fat fairly constant) to 210. I've been all cardio, and I was mostly strength training, so I've been all over the fitness map.

    After getting married in 2006 I got sick and lost my desire to go to the gym and went back to my old ways. I'd eat healthy and do right for a couple months, then relapse.

    This year I've recommitted and I started the year at 280 (again). I'm now 235, run 2+ miles a day (weekdays), lift 3x per week and am in great shape again (body fat is still catching up to 2006 levels).

    I should be back to what I looked like in 2006 by the end of the year (which means about 10% BF, abs, etc.).