For those who aren't "regular"...



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I know....START POOPING MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK. For crying out loud.


    I get freaked if I go 3 days without it. Take something for that, drink more water, eat more fiber, an enema, a laxative. Your current state may lead to colon issues later in life.

    But if you're only gonna poop once a week weigh yourself that day I guess.
    Laxatives could also lead to "colon issues".

    For the OP: I hear you. I've eaten 50 grams of fiber a day. I drink tons of water. We eat a ton of veggies. I've seen doctors. I've had tests done. The GI doc's reply? Some of us just don't go very often.

    I weigh daily. It helps me get a big picture (no pun intended).

    ps: consider cutting back on fiber from grains. I find that the fewer grains I eat (gluten etc.) the more often things happen.It seems counter intuitive, to eat LESS fiber. But it works for me. smile.
  • niftyafterfifty
    niftyafterfifty Posts: 338 Member
    Try magnesium supplements; grape juice helps too.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I'm a huge advocate for prunes. Yes, they are high in natural sugars, but they make you go.
    They make some folks go.

    Folks who have constant issues with regularity have tried most of the common treatments. For most of us they just don't work. (and I love prunes)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have this prblem too so now I take natural stool softeners on occasion or drink the herbal tea that helps with this problem. Lately I go everyday thank goodness.
    Keep in mind that "the herbal tea" is a stimulant laxative. I'm not saying don't use it, just be aware of what it is.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Talk to a doctor. I use to be like that but I cut gluten out of my diet and now i go daily. If it's not gluten you may have a food sensitivity that's holding you back.
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    I poop everytime I pee, so I don't know what to tell ya. Sorry. :/
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I used to have a big problem with this but then I discovered I was lactose intolerant. I gave up dairy for for the most part and when I'm about to substantially indulge (ice cream anyone?) I'll take lactaid. Works wonders. lol.
  • Marlys101
    Marlys101 Posts: 100
    What are you taking? As I read your comment it sounds just like my problem. Thanks. Marlys
  • CarynCharB
    CarynCharB Posts: 215 Member
    I know....START POOPING MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK. For crying out loud.

    It's not that simple! Trust me, people who have these issues definitely would LOVE to go more than once a week...we just can't! =P

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Talk to a doctor. I use to be like that but I cut gluten out of my diet and now i go daily. If it's not gluten you may have a food sensitivity that's holding you back.
    This is what it was for me too. well, not just gluten, but grains and starches. weird. The less I eat the better it is.
  • Init_to_winit
    Init_to_winit Posts: 258 Member
    Love this topic! I have issues with that too! Thanks for being brave there OP. I like reading all the tips, I never thought it was that big of a deal until I read about the possible colon problems, I just thought the only issue is it made me uncomfortable for a couple days. Looks like I have another thing to talk to my doctor about when I see him next.
  • samiramom
    samiramom Posts: 11 Member
    Same here but I found that the herbal teas really do help keep you regular.
  • catwoman131
    WOW!!! Such awesome feedback. Thank you to everyone. Sounds like I need to look at the rest of my diet, not just the fiber consumption. Gluten and dairy... wouldn't have thought it'd make an impact but it does make sense. And more water too, I can do that. Also I like the idea of weighing daily for a while to see the impact.
    Thanks again, you all are fantastic!
  • skinnyfithealthyme
    I was exactly like you for many years- sometimes I'd go two or three weeks. I found that dairy was the main culprit and cutting out wheat made it even better. I was diagnosed with IBS which basically means the doctors don't know whats wrong with me and I'm on my own.
    Fiber just made it worse - I really don't eat all that much fiber anymore, just what I get from fruits and I have never been more regular. I usually go at about the same time every day.
    You may be a little intolerant to some foods. Keep a journal of what you eat and how it makes you feel and start eliminating things. When you find out what bothers you, slowly reintroduce things and then you'll know for sure what bothers you.

    Also, a cup of coffee helps things get going and especially drinking green tea throughout the day. I sometimes throw chopped prunes into my snacks (use them in place of raisins) and that's supposed to be quite helpful. I find it works about 50% of the time but everyones different. And my doctor told me to take 6 exlax a day, what a quack!
  • amanda52488
    amanda52488 Posts: 260 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this topic.... This past month I have been having major issues with not being regular!
    I have seen my doctor, gotten blood taken and had an ultrasound done. Blood and ultrasound was clear.
    My doctor told me to drink 6-8 oz of warm prune juice daily and drink ginger root tea daily.
    The prune juice worked for about two days and then has not since. I am really at a stand still at what to do.

    I have been SO frustrated to see how this has affected my weightloss.... I should be continuing to lose weight, but am not.. I am pretty positive it is because of this issue. UGH!
  • catwoman131
    By the way I see a lot of recommendations for herbal teas. Do you mean any herbal tea like chamomile? Or is there something specific for regularity?
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I know....START POOPING MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK. For crying out loud.

    Not being snarky, but until I read this thread, I had no idea this was even a thing outside of a medical condition. Not saying one thing or another, but it seems as though it could potentially be not a good thing- what do your docs have to say? Are they concerned at all? I'm actually curious.

    That said, changing diet can be a wonderful thing. :)

    I'd also weigh after the week-old poop of doom. LOL
  • skinnyfithealthyme
    There are laxative teas - "smooth move" comes to mind but I personally don't use them. They have senna leaf in them which is just another stimulant laxative that you can get dependant on. I use peppermint tea to relax my stomach I love it and tt's so much easier to go when you relax. And then I drink green tea when I am a bit behind on things to help get things moving. It's probably just the caffeine, but it works wonders. Ginger is supposed to help with digestion too although I'm not a fan of the taste.
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    lots of water and a daily probiotic work wonders...
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, I don't pay attention to pooping before or after... I figure it evens out in the end and is close enough to see my progress

    But if you want to get serious about it, I guess its going to involve putting a strainer in your toilet and a food scale