Holy potatoes, is this why I can't lose weight?



  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    25% of quitters LOSE weight while quitting.

    The few percentage points of added BMR can't make you plateau at 1200-1300 calories. Your BMR has still got to be at least 1400, plus you burn calories through activity.

    Don't chalk it all up to the quit. You might be retaining water from the new workouts or something. Keep at it!

    Thanks!! I definitely will.
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    Nicotine doesn't really increase or boost metabolism, it just suppresses appetite. This is why supermodels smoke. : P

    Don't start smoking again. Just keep going and being patient.
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Nicotine doesn't really increase or boost metabolism, it just suppresses appetite. This is why supermodels smoke. : P

    Don't start smoking again. Just keep going and being patient.

    I guess a change of my ticker is needed. Now I feel like a cigarette. Sigh. Just keeeeeeeep truuuckin
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have been very careful about snacking-- oddly enough, I am snacking less (used to munch on 8 - 16 almonds before a smoke break, and now I don't).

    So will my body adjust? I puff on an e-cigarette now and then, but maybe only two puffs a day out of habit.

    I wonder how long it takes for my body to adjust?

    Just keep going to the gym that you can now afford. Exercise is the best way to increase metabolism. And, unlike cigarettes, it may just lengthen your lifespan, rather than shorten it.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    It's probably why. I've heard that 1 cigarrette=20 min of cardio. Congrats on quitting!

    I highly doubt this. I am pretty sure I was not doing the equivalent of almost 7 hours of cardio a day when I still smoked and was 50# heavier than I am now...

    Congrats on quitting, that is awesome! Just love yourself and don't fret over the scale so much. Measure, and do what you know will work, you will break the plateau soon enough!