Calve excerise

Hey guys!
I brought a pair of boots on the internet that were on sale. I could not resist the price even though I've never had much luck with knee highs because of my weight.
i just tried them on and its only milimetres away from fitting my calf. So I was wondering if you guys could direct me to any excerises that I can do to tone them up?

thank you!

((Just realised I used the wrong spelling to CALF))


  • taintedbutterfly18
    taintedbutterfly18 Posts: 189 Member
    You can not spot reduce. I would recommend doing calf raises for toning. Cardio for fat loss. I have big calves at any weight so I feel your pain.
  • antiwings
    antiwings Posts: 34
    You can not spot reduce. I would recommend doing calf raises for toning. Cardio for fat loss. I have big calves at any weight so I feel your pain.

    Are calf raises, standing on tiptoes?