Hi, I'm Jenn and I'm a MFP addict!

JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
Hello everybody!

I figured I'd introduce myself since I have decided to go "hard core" with MFP! I'm not new to MFP, but have just started back up on it.

To make a long story short, I'm done using excuses on why I'm not loosing weight, or why I'm sitting on my butt not doing anything! So, I decided 2 weeks ago to start using MFP again, and I've decided to put a little movement into my life. I admitt, I wasn't watching my portion sizes AT ALL! And this, for me, is my biggest downfall. I eat WAY TO MUCH! I don't feel that I eat unhealthy, processed stuff, but I just eat to much for my own good. So, I started cutting back on the portion size, and I sarted eating some more healthy things (fruits and veggies). I also started exercising, which for me is HUGE! I was the one who always said I never had enough time during the day, or night to exercise and I refuse to get up early to exercise. Well, I STILL refuse to get up early (I need my sleep!) but after dinner I meander downstairs to my basement and I've begun to work out. It's been painstackingly wonderful!

My goal is to loose 20ish pounds. I am currently 145 (I was 143, but after this weekend, and a family reunion, I gained a few pounds). I am 5'2" so I feel that to be in between 125 and 130 is a good weight for me.

My biggest accomplishment thus far has been the fact that I have already lost 40 pounds! About 3 years ago I weighed a whopping 184pds. UGH! And for my height that is so not healthy! I got pregnant during this time, and after my son was born I knew I had to continue with my journey. This is when I lost most of my weight. But, I platued and it's been a struggle since.

So, I'm looking for some support! And I'm also looking for ways to move more! Any help or suggestions would be wonderful!!! I look foward to meeting some people who are stuggling just like me and I look forward to hearing some good stuff on how to do this the right way! I'm not about fad diets.....They don't work! So, if that is what you are selling please move on! I'm all about lifestyle changes and what works/worked best for your journey!


  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile:
  • JennKoz529
    JennKoz529 Posts: 144 Member
    Thanks for the positive motivation!!!! :smile:
  • Eunicemaye
    Eunicemaye Posts: 17 Member
    I know how you feel. I am 5'3 and my highest point was 184lbs. Not a good size for me at all ! I just started on MFP yesterday and i am so excited about what i have seen so far. I lost 26lbs on my own and i know that with the phone app and this web sight that i will get to my goal weight this year. Thats my goal. To get myself back this year !
  • predent
    predent Posts: 95
    Hi there! I can totally relate with everything that you're saying. We are right around the same height/weight too :)