Is it better to track as you go/eat or plan ahead?

Hi, I've been here for a while off and on...and am back on again. :D I've been wondering as I start the past, I've always eaten and then tracked the food in my diary (and then by dinner I am saying...shoot I only have 300 calories left to eat :D). I just had a it better to plan all the days ahead? I'm really good when it comes to planning (like events and things)...but never thought about the eating. Actually I would hate to plan it because I think I would get stressed (as I do with any planning)...but is it better in the long run?

If planning is better, should I do it by day, by week? Right now, with my work schedule, I literally just think 10 minutes ahead and say "what am I going to eat for lunch?", try to think of something low cal, eat it, then track it.

Sorry for the long post but is there a better way? :D


  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Everyone is going to have their own thoughts on this but for me, I fill out my day in the morning when I'm eating breakfast (except for today cause I was busy at work and not able to) but it's easier for me to figure out what I can have at dinner time/snack times an if I feel like a splurge on something I'm craving, I know if I'll go over or not.

    See what works for you-plan for a week and see if it gives you more food choices at dinner (since you'll have more than 300 calories left over) or if it adds stress. I don't think it will since this isn't as stressful or involved as planning parties or trips would be
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    i plan my meals out every week before grocery shopping

    here is what the first half of this week looks like:

  • UnleashingLovely
    Planning is generally much better. It's what I do. (It helps that I love to plan) But about the stressing thing, you will stress A LOT if you try to do it by week. Do it the night before. Plus then you can know what you might really wanna eat tomorrow. If you plan, you can more likely have dessert. :wink:
  • ambivalence11
    ambivalence11 Posts: 93 Member
    I plan ahead. Sometimes I even log all my meals the day before. That way I know what to eat, when to eat and it takes the guess work out of it. I will even log my exercise calories in advance so I am not tempted to over eat after the gym.
  • LAsteve212
    LAsteve212 Posts: 15 Member
    For me personally, planning makes it so much easier! I get to plan ahead and see what can fit into my calories and macros, and it's kind of fun actually. It helps me stay on track, and be aware of what I'm eating. It's also great to plan ahead if you want a treat at the end of the day, it helps to avoid temptations throughout the day, because you planned ahead for something good, so it's easier to turn down treats during the day. It works for me, but just figure out what works for you!
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I like to plan my days ahead of time and even put down my calories in here then if I don't eat everything come back in and edit it out. Seems to work for me and I know where I am with my calories.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I do a little of both. I track what I eat without planning, but I also budget for the day when I have some idea of what i will do for lunch or dinner. It helps me from blowing it too badly. If I see I won't have much left for dinner, I can cut my lunch portion size down to leave some wiggle room. Or, if I know what is for dinner, I can log in advance and I can better decide what to do for lunch.

    I also use a spreadsheet to make sure I am on track for the week. That way I can be extra good one day to plan for, or make up for, a splurge somewhere in the week.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    When i used to log, it was always plan ahead. You make smarter choices that way and dont have to chase calories. I will note since i exercise regually, i essentially planned ahead on that too. I did this by including it my calculation. So instead of sedentary, i was moderately active.

    In fact i did a custom set up becuase i used the Katch McArdle formula which i found to be more accurate since i have an athletic build (200 lbs @12% bf). MFP under estimated my calories by about 400 too few.
  • logicandlove
    logicandlove Posts: 191 Member
    If you have the luxury of time and a set schedule, then planning is definitely the better option. It ensures that you can get all your macros, stay under your calorie limit, and be satisfied. However, it sounds like you're like me (and most of us, I think) in that you're often too busy to do that. If you track as you go, it's important to just keep your daily calorie limit in mind when making food choices. If you look up the calories in your food options before you eat them, you can compare how much it will "cost" you to how many calories you have left for the day, and make the right choice. It's worked for me, and I know it's worked for others as well. Good luck!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I plan ahead. I found it was easier for me. Otherwise, I would eat 1000 calories for lunch and be looking for a 200 calorie dinner...
  • lsg15
    lsg15 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been more successful if I track ahead of time and put the food in my lunch bag as I log it. If you track ahead of time, you are more likely to stay on your plan because you have thought it out and your choices are not spontaneous.
    Put together quart size baggies of veggies ahead of time to throw into your lunch bag and that will get your veggies in for the day.
    Good Luck!!
  • FiercelyBeautiful
    FiercelyBeautiful Posts: 590 Member
    a little of both. I plan my meals 7 days ahead and sometimes enter in as many days as I can and just modify them as I go if they change. Makes life easier
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    On weekedays I generally pack my food for the day and track it all in the morning so I know how much I can afford to eat for dinner.

    On weekends I track as I go.
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    This GO round, I am eating a super strict Paleo food plan, and because of my job, sometimes I have to pack to work with me lunch AND dinner... through this process I have found that by logging the whole day in advance, I know what meal is coming next, when I'm going to have it, and I see the results that the day SHOULD bring... so far, having great results!!

    Planning takes time, but ultimately, what is your success worth?
  • AvinashGupta
    In my opinion it is better to plan earlier especially for people like me who needs to take insulin and the dose depends on carbs for each meal.
  • SWiel84
    SWiel84 Posts: 43
    I just eat the same thing every day (or week, depending on if I need to change it up), especially for breakfast and lunch. That way, I know in advance exactly how many calories I have to work with for dinner, which is usually a spur-of-the-moment decision :-) I hate routines, but that really helps me stay within my calorie goal. And I love eating eggs for breakfast so I see no reason not to have that! :-) It also saves on my grocery bill, since I'm not buying a ton of different and crazy ingredients for all different dishes I'm making. Everyone says automating your eating makes you less likely to overeat.... so, that's what I've been doing.
  • KechiaG
    KechiaG Posts: 55
    I try to plan ahead. Especially since I'm really trying to net a certain amount of calories/day. It makes me really think about what "fuel" I'm putting into my body. On the days that I hit the calorie number but with less healthy choices, I can really see a difference in my workouts! :noway: So now I pay attention to QUALITY and QUANTITY! I'm in it to win it! :drinker:
  • djreed1989
    djreed1989 Posts: 3 Member
    I too have ran into issues when i tracked as I went,.. To me either way will work... If you track as you go you just need to monitor your remaining points. For example if you go to a restaurant and see a meal you want type it in. If you notice it has 600 calories and you are only allowed 1500. You will see that the rest of your meals and snacks will be divided amongst 900 calories, and decide if you want to be limited like that. I personally plan ahead now so i can see what i don't need to eat, and how it will map out through the rest of the day. Also since I have started planning I haven't went over my calories. I say either way will work, but both require will power. You can plan and stray away... or as I have notice surprise free meals come up (such as birthdays...cookouts. etc)... Best of luck
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I've done both and it's really a personal opinion but I like planning ahead. The night before I enter my breakfast and dinner (lunch and is only added in advance for work days). That way I know exactly how many calories I have left for snacks or desserts :). I have also found it cures the "what's for dinner"'s already planned out and when I get home from work or whatever, I don't have to think about it. It's sort of the same for breakfast.

    I will make adjustments to things as I go like maybe changing the serving size but it works for me.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think you already answered the basic question...planning makes it easier because you know what you'll be eating and whether or not it fits in your calorie budget (and/or how many calories you need to burn to make up the difference).

    For the most part, I plan for the week as much as I can. I'll get my yogurt, fruit, protein bars, etc for snacks. Then figure out what we can have for dinner for at least the next 5 days (can't always come up with a whole week). Then get whatever I want to pack for lunch - lately this has been flatbread, chicken salad and lettuce. Breakfast is more on the fly but I make sure I have some oatmeal in my desk drawer at work and a dozen eggs in the fridge at home.

    If you take a little extra time on the weekend (or whatever days you have off from work) to plan your meals, that's one less thing you have to think about later. Plus, if you tend to grab whatever you can for lunch, planning and packing instead can save you time, money and save you from temptation - at least that's what it does for me.

    Good luck!

    p.s. I'm usually able to pre-log my whole day each morning because of planning. This can really help save me from temptations too. Like today, I really wanted one of the big chocoalte chip cookies from the cafe downstairs...but I looked at my diary and decided I just didn't have enough caloires so I grabbed a few pieces of candy instead. I still got something sweet but nothing that blew my calorie budget out of the water.