Can someone look at my diary?

I feel like I have been doing good aside from a few bad days, but I feel like they aren't THAT bad as I work out. I would like some input, comment, suggestions, advice, anything!

FYI, in my profile pic I am second from the left, the first one in blue.

Thank you!!


  • TheDrBuchanan
    TheDrBuchanan Posts: 89 Member
    Your choices look pretty good, but you really don't eat anything for breakfast!

    Research has shown that eating breakfast within the first hour after waking will give your metabolism a boost that lasts the entire day. Even if it's just something as small as a banana with your coffee, having breakfast every day is a small change that can provide very real results.

    Good luck!
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    I always start off with the intention to, but never do! I havent lost anything in almost a month, and actually gained 3 pounds a week ago! I'm not sure what to do, i've been stuck around 146 for a long long long time
  • Dmarisol
    Dmarisol Posts: 35 Member
    yeah girl you gotta eat breakfast and i think that sometimes you are eatting a big dinner and not enough lunch. I think you should try to eat 5-6 small meals during the day instead of two big meals. Its always good to eat healthy snacks in between meals.
    Every meal that you have should contain: a protein, a carb, and veggies
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    Your choices look pretty good, but you really don't eat anything for breakfast!

    Research has shown that eating breakfast within the first hour after waking will give your metabolism a boost that lasts the entire day. Even if it's just something as small as a banana with your coffee, having breakfast every day is a small change that can provide very real results.

    Good luck!

    Newer research shows this is mostly a myth. When you have your meals doesn't effect your metabolism on an important scale. But of course, by not eating breakfast you probably won't have much energy at the start of the day. But for some people eating early in the morning is really hard, and they work better when they can postpone it a few hours. Does nothing to damage their metabolism.

    Quite similar to the myth that you need to eat small, but frequent meals to keep up your metabolism. It does not need keeping up, unless you have an illness. If you're a person who like to have 3 big portions, no harm. And if you like to have 6 smaller portions, also no harm. Repeating: how frequent you eat, does not affect the metabolism.

    But it's no wonder people think so, because it's repeated all the time. All the newspapers and mazines continue to use old research on this, so it's become a thing everyone knows. Sadly.
  • ryansgram
    ryansgram Posts: 693 Member
    You need to eat some fruit and more veggies.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    If you're not going to eat breakfast (it's ok to not eat breakfast!!!!!) then eat a bigger lunch.

    i agree - more fruits and vegetables...
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    there were a few things I noticed.

    First, it seems that you have missed days or maybe have partial days. My personal experience is that I stalled when I was doing this. Not until I got really diligent logging - even "bad" days - did I start losing weight again.

    Second, based on your targets, it looks like you have changed your macros to 45/35/20, which tells me you are thinking about what you want to eat. However, I don't think I saw a single day where you ate that much protein (or even close) and you usually go over on carbs or fat or both. So, I'm kind of curious why you set up custom goals but aren't really trying to meet them.

    Finally, "quick add" calories are easy and convenient, but only if you don't care about your macros. I'd stay away from using that feature if you are trying to hit targets.
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    I just changed my macros today, but I'm not really sure how to meet them. And thats the story of my life, too many carbs and too much fat. It seems to be all I eat, looking back on it now. Dinner has always been the biggest meal for me, and it keeps me good until late the next day. It's how I've always eaten; I have a big italian family. I need to eat like the italians though, nice breakfast, big lunch, light dinner.

    I have a general idea on how to eat correctly, just kind of lost on how to execute. How does everyone hit their macros, and how do you plan out your day to hit all the targets? I just kind of eat as I go...
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    Also, I've been tracking everything for two weeks save for this sunday. Before that, I used Calorie Count and started using this in conjunction with that and I was lazy and just inputed the calories. Calorie Count has a neat nutrition bar graph
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I have mine set up for 40/35/25. I know that for me to hit that, pretty much every meal has to have some amount of lean protein. Then towards the end of the day, I use my evening snack and exercise calories to try to balance things out. Most days I do well, others... well, some days I eat myself into the corner and can't balance out without blowing my calories! But, I am generally within +-5% on most days.
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you!