Exercise or Rest Day?

So not feeling myself today - feeling very BLAH and just so tired. Haven't gotten my exercise in yet today and debating whether I should make this my rest day instead of Saturday or just try my best to get it done.



  • Eclipsoh
    Eclipsoh Posts: 26 Member
    I was super tired and depressed sunday and yesterday until I just sucked it up and went to the gym. I felt tons better! I bet you will too!
  • MeganKatiie
    Workout will make you feel better :)
  • wabecca
    wabecca Posts: 19 Member
    On days like that I feel MUCH better after exercising!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I don't know what kind of exercise you do, but I would go give it a shot, and allow yourself the option of quitting early if it's miserable. Then at least you tried. If your workout is going to the gym- just get dressed, go, and get started- if you can't do it, then come home. If you're a runner (or similar) pick a route that allows "bailouts", as in you have the option of cutting it short without getting stranded on the other side of town.

    In my experience, I almost always end up finishing my workouts when I start them, but having the option to quit gets me out the door. Surprisingly enough, I've had some of my absolute best ones when I dragged *kitten* to get started but eventually forced myself to go. Just Do It!
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I also tend to push through and exercise anyway and usually feel better afterwards. However there is much wisdom in listening to your body. If you have been overdoing it then rest and don't feel guilty about it. Only you will know if this is mainly a mental game or an actual need for rest and repair.
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    I agree with everyone here. I'm feeling sluggish today, and yesterday as well. I started to run yesterday but my body hurt and ached so instead of pushing to hard and causing injury, or quiting and calling it short, I walked my 30 mins instead of running (threw in a few quick runs when I started to feel better inside) but Im SO glad I didnt let myself quit, bc it would be easier to say no today too. But I KNOW deep down, and from experience that I will feel a Million times better when I get on the treadmill and start to run. Pushing myself and making my body strong. That's what its all about.. oh and those endorphins and runners high hahah
  • myangel05
    myangel05 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks everyone - today is a double dose its a 30min run/walk and then a 30 min Jillian Michaels Video - I am going to go get dressed!
  • MeganKatiie
    Yeahh you go girl :)
  • j_wilson2012
    j_wilson2012 Posts: 293
    Had the same thing happen to me on Saturday. I went from slouching on the couch to being out of the house for 4 hours, including stair climbing.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Do some sort of exercise, otherwise you train yourself that not wanting to do it is good enough to declare a rest day. If you're really not feeling it just to something easy like 30 minutes of yoga, but do * something*.
  • myangel05
    myangel05 Posts: 23 Member
    THANKS EVERYONE I DID IT!!! Got my double dose in and burned 441 CALS!!!