How is my body



  • IRampage1
    ok thanks for that :) Feel better now :)
  • IRampage1
    what does ths mean ?
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I've seen a lot of boys with their shirts off. I'd say you're "soft", not fat. I wouldn't think you necessarily have weight to lose, just muscle to build. You look like a teenager who hasn't started "developing" yet.
  • derpina88
    derpina88 Posts: 36 Member
    When I go swimming in the pools, sea I'm getting abit awkward about taking off my shirt, do you think when people look at me there gonna laugh/say "look at his body"/ or should I be fine, I know it's abit stupid what I'm saying? But do you people look at me as if I'm fairly fat?

    I would never ever think you are fat if you had your shirt off at the beach. Never. Ever. Perhaps you have a bit of a warped view of yourself. Not uncommon. Sure, there are like musculy athletic guys, you aren't that. But you AREN'T fat. AT ALL.
  • invictus8
    invictus8 Posts: 258 Member
    Your body is a constantly changing entity -- so there is no single "body." I'm not the same as when I was 7 and I won't be the same when I'm 70.

    Now the real question is: what is your % body fat? I'd guess around 20-25%. With a clean diet (no sugars or white carbs) that will just melt off, and you'll be down to 10-15%.

    I'd focus on your goals rather than making a judgment about a snapshot of your body at this particular moment in time and space.