Awkward Moment of The Day :S

So... my grammy's in town and she asked me to go and fetch her some yarn so she could complete the blanket she started making. I go to the nearest craft store and pick up 10 balls. When I get to the front to cash out, the lady asks me what I was knitting. I proceeded to tell her that it was for my grandma and she was kitting a blanket. She responded by asking me "awwwwww, how far along are you?" while cradling her arms like she was holding a baby... I gave her a nervous giggle and said "oh gosh, I'm not pregnant"... She giggled back... at this point the cashing out transaction was complete and I just quickly grabbed my bag and walked out...... LOL

Has this sort of thing ever happened to anyone else?


  • Brandei
    Brandei Posts: 119 Member
    No, thank god! That's horrible- glad you can giggle about it...
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Sadly was horrible! and even sadder is that I weighed last back then so god only knows how many people might be wondering now....
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    Sadly yes.

    Almost every time I shop for a baby shower gift. I find it easier to gift GIFT CARDS now for that very reason. Why does the cashier have to be so nosey anyways? I mean even IF I was expecting, it is none of her business. Sigh.

    Once a guy from XEROX came to our school to show our whole staff proper use of the new copier.
    He looked at me and goes, "When are you due?" I pretended not to hear him. The jerk repeated it. One of the other teachers goes, "She's not pregnant, and neither am I in case you're wondering. We're just fat!" She was like two or three of me put together and much older. He apologized but kept staring at me. I finally said, "I just had a baby 6 months ago." He goes, "Ooooh, then that's why!" I was like what the hell!? OPEN MOUTH, INSERT FOOT pal! Then he goes, "It's just that I've never seen so many pregnant teachers at one school before." A teacher who REALLY was pregnant goes, "Just how many have you seen? It's only me and the school psychologist." The guy just changed the subject. I was like OMG. I dunno how, but I kept it together during his lousy presentation which I couldn't concentrate on because I just kept thinking how bad I looked and what a *kitten* the guy was. I didn't have any respect for him and I didn't want to hear him out. Pfffft. The nerve of some people!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Unfortunately, yes I have. Many years ago, my grandparents came to stay overnight with us en route to their vacation spot. We were standing in the kitchen after breakfast, and my grandma sized me up and said "Are you pregnant?" I said I was not and she said "oh...just fat, huh?" Noone ever accused my grandma of having any tact, but that was kinda the last straw for me. I barely spoke to her for about 15 years after that.

    I'm sure it's not much easier if it's a stranger... :(
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    yup. About 2 months BEFORE I got pregnant with my youngest son, a former co worker came up to me and asked me when I was due. I explained to him that I was just FAT due to undiagnosed insulin resistance ( I had *JUST* been diagnosed a few days before)... As hurt as I was, I couldn't be mad at him. He really didn't mean to hurt me.