Need some extra support

Mariettarose Posts: 44
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I have been a member of the website since February. I post once in a while, but I could use some kind words to keep me motivated at this time. I lost 42 pounds in about five months.:drinker: ..not really bad, but it was weight I had gained when I started taking a drug to help with pain caused from nerve damage. Since then the weight has pretty much maintain, up and down a little, but not really moving in the right direction.

During the summer I had an outbreak of shingles followed by a major flair up of my figromyalgia. I have tried to deny these issues are there. The combination over the summer resulted in me having to spend a few days in the hospital. After trying different medications to control the problems, they put me back on the medication that caused the weight gain in the beginning. :mad: :angry: :mad:

I am still forty pounds overweight and would like to lose this...even if it is at a pound a month.:grumble: Recently the weight is shifting up. I started doing my workouts again and hope to be able to control the pain to maintain. I also am trying to get in my 10,000 steps a day. It's not much, but I'm hoping by maintaining my healthy lifestyle choices this will continue to work. :indifferent:

The increase in pain and the problems with energy levels contribute hurdles into my lifestyle choices. I try to be supportive of my husband who is also doing a great job at getting into shape,:heart: but at times I am angry with him because he does have the energy and motivation to continue working out all the time.

Please help me find the motivation to continue working on choosing healthy choices and not slipping back into the "I don't care" routines I had before. I know to beat some of the symptoms I have to work out. I just lose motivation. I don't want to be angry and pull back into my self. What kinds of things keep everyone else motivated to maintain when there are no changes for long periods of time and energy is just really low? :sick: Any input would greatly be appreciated. :flowerforyou:


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hi, fibro sister. You are not alone.

    I promise, from the bottom of my heart, that healthy choices can only make you feel better. When you're on pain (or any) meds, this can seriously impact your weight loss efforts. The trick is (and it's a hard one) to focus on other benefits of healthy choices, not just numbers on the scale.

    Here's a blog post of mine from a while back that talks about what works for me. But, everyone's different, so don't be afraid to speak up with your own health care providers about your lack of energy.

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I just read Viviakay's blog and it's very inspirational. I hope that helps you a little Marietta.
    Good luck ladies. Sorry I don't have anythng more helpful to say.
  • Hi Mariettarose,

    You have done so well, losing 40 pounds in 5 months! And from reading your (and, I'm guessing your husband's) profile, you quit smoking at the same time? That is a terrific accomplishment! Most people GAIN weight while quitting smoking. You've come a long way, baby!

    It sounds like you need a jumpstart in motivation. When is the last time you went shopping for new clothes? Now might be the time to do so. Throw away all those old clothes that fit you when you were 40 lbs heavier. I'm sure you can't afford to re-buy the bigger sizes, so if you throw them away and replace them with smaller sizes, you will really have to stay focused if you want your clothes to fit.

    It is discouraging to have those health issues cropping up again. Is there any reason to believe that a change in diet or additional exercise would relieve some of your symptoms? My mom suffered from fibromyalgia which caused her great pain. She is free from it now, and I believe it was from exercise. I remember her complaining that it hurt to turn over in bed, much less get on the stationary bike and ride. But after 2 weeks of riding 30 minutes a day, she stopped complaining about the pain, and I haven't heard her bring it up again.

    I hit a plateau about a month ago and was discouraged and ready to give up. I also, had lost around 40 pounds. Then for a month, I stayed at the same weight. At that point, I was doing no exercise whatsoever. I started doing the C25k running program. It was very difficult to start, but every day since, I have seen results in my energy level, my weight loss, and my overall ability to do things (chase toddlers, run up stairs, etc).

    Other things that have helped me stay focused is finding a new hobby (for me, cross-stitching and jogging) that keeps your mind off munching; and prayer. When I feel strong temptation to go raid the fridge, I pray real hard and find something else to do on the other side of the house. Oh! Another thing: you are so lucky to have your husband along with you on this journey. Mine also decided to lose weight at the same time as me. We have very much enjoyed exercising together, and admiring and showing off each other's new, healthier look. :wink:

    Good luck, sweetie! You have come so far; this shows a lot of strength. Keep up the good work, you can do it!!
  • Thanks for all the good stuff. Makes be feel a little better just knowing I'm not alone with this. The fibromyalgia is bad enough. I get shingle pain on top of it and it's a bad combination. Hearing I am staynig on the right track is helpful.

    The change in diet is a real issue. For some reason I couldn't eat bleached flour for a few months. Now I'm able to eat it without hurting too much but I notice I feel worse lately. I may have to go back to that.

    Thank you so much for the helpful support.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Mariettarose is my wife guys,
    Copy and paste from me' sent folder,,, we Email>>

    Yesterday you biked 10+ miles, then had salty chinese, then biked 6 or 8 more miles with me, then did 30day shred, then did 1/2 of my weights routine. You pounded the mortal snot outta your body yesterday, and it's holding onto a quart of water in simple self defense.

    So relax - - don't make me tell all your MFP friends what a paranoid you are. They'll LOL at you.

    Proud of you for yesterday, that was pretty hardcore. Love you, C'ya.

    <<Hehehee :laugh: I told them I told them. [I can cyberstalk too]>>
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