lady time & diet

Is it just me, or does everyone else feel hungrier during that time of the month?

I normally have no problems staying within my calorie limits, however right now, I have eaten all my calories, and could really use a little snack right now! I would allow myself to have a light snack, but i am so bloated that I will just make myself feel grosser!

Please just tell me I am not the only one!


  • dzvinka82
  • d4wn66
    d4wn66 Posts: 48
    I feel like that as well . To be truthful I have a piece 85% cocoa chocolate and cup of coffee and it helps, glass of red with my chocolate , I'm not one who eats chocolate , but at " lady time" it helps :drinker: and because of all the anti oxidants I don't feel guilty :smile:
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    It's lady time right now for me and I have a never ending pit for a stomach..... I can't wait for it to be over, because my will power is GONE right now.
  • rach41413
    rach41413 Posts: 82 Member
    I've read that you burn more calories during your lady time...though I think it's only around 300 extra per day. But still - that's a nice little ice cream cone or something!
    ITS_MY_CHOICE Posts: 62 Member
    No I don't get hungrier, just moody about 3 days prior.
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    I'm better today but yesterday I wanted to eat everything in sight and I see that happening again tomorrow as I have a day off are def not alone!
  • ashlovesskinny
    I'm starving, and I only have about 420cals left for dinner, so I'm pretty sure when I get home to my kitchen I'll eave everything in sight!!!!!! Trying to find a non dairy or lactos free carbonara recipie to settle my cravings.
  • questiontheanswers
    questiontheanswers Posts: 170 Member
    I get downright ravenous ... I just try to make sure my snacks are on the healthier side and don't stress too much about it. Better for everyone around if I'm not upping my level of *****y by adding hunger to it, too.
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    This happens to me as well. Usually its the week leading up to it and i find myself wanting anything and every thing. The cravings come on hard. I have been able to resist for the most part but its not easy.

    If that is true that we burn more at that time then thats great...i know working out then also helps with the cramps. I hate the bloat and the extra weight and i always seem to have my weigh in at that time .
  • loztredders
    I actually tend to want to eat a little less because I feel so gross and have stomach pains, its the other three Weeks of the month I wanna eat everything in sight!
  • Mizzy91
    Mizzy91 Posts: 63
    When it's ladies time, I could eat anything and everything, put some crazy concoction of foods together, your definitely not alone x:bigsmile:
  • shannond1980
    shannond1980 Posts: 60 Member
    I actually tend to want to eat a little less because I feel so gross and have stomach pains, its the other three Weeks of the month I wanna eat everything in sight!

    ^This lol
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I get hungry, depressed, unmotivated. I put on 2-5lbs 'just because' and all my social phobia and anxieties play up.
    I hate lady time.. lol
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I tend to have to make myself eat, but then I feel like I'm over eating because I don't exercise much at the beginning of it..

    (but I'm more inclined to under eat n binge in general than consistently over eating, and I just avoid ice cream around this time because that's a slippery slope... )
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I get hungry, depressed, unmotivated. I put on 2-5lbs 'just because' and all my social phobia and anxieties play up.
    I hate lady time.. lol

    I wouldn't worry about the weight during too much, I actually knew a day before I was going to start(this with exercise throwing off my schedule) this month because I literally gained an inch-1/2 inch all over bloating sucks I'm sure the scale would say the same thing!
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    It the week before kills me. I be ravenous. I crave everything but can't find what I want lol.
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Hi, I sometimes find that when I try to be good by having fruit and other low cal, low fat items I then still have a bit of a binge. So maybe have a little of what you fancy / need, sooner rather than later, it may just save some of thoose used calories.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    I am ravenous just before and during TOM. I can eat a huge meal and even though I make sure it is healthy food and I can feel that my stomach is full, I will still want more and think I am hungry. I have no clue why our hormones do it to us considering TOM is the only time we can't get pregnant so swelling up is I guess the body's way of saying, "closed for business"