Need a new source of motivation

NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning everyone,

I have gotten just over half-way to my goal. I've started to majorly slack off on working out, and haven't been eating the best lately.

I guess I'm small enough that I fit into enough clothes that makes me feel decent about myself and I suppose I'm happy where I am for the time being.

I don't really have a problem with counting my calories or anything, I have a stressful job and have been using my stress headaches as an excuse to slack off I suppose.

Sorry I'm kind of rambling - I guess what I'm asking is, what do you guys use as motivation? How have you overcome that "I don't feel like it" bump in the road?

Thanks in advance!


  • When I can't get my lazy butt off of the couch I try to think about how good I feel when I work out and how accomplished I feel when I finish I solid workout.

    I also try to remind myself that it's not about the weight, it's about how I feel and that I'm helping myself live a long, healthier life.

    I know, it's really cheesy, but it gets me off the couch!
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Buy an outfit/dress in an ideal size that you want to be into when you hit your goal weight. Do not give up! You'll feel great when it fits!

    Or, do you have an event coming up in the next year? I have my 10 yr anniversary coming up with my husband in Nov of 2011 (I know far away but I have a lot to lose!) We never got a real honeymoon when we got married so we are going to go somewhere for our 10 yr and I want to be out in the ocean swimming in a hot bikini! That is definitely enough motivation to me! :drinker:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I can camouflage a lot with clothes but I would like to look good in my gi.

    Eating better makes me feel better - most of the time I don't even want junk food any more.

    If I'm too tired or lazy to go for a workout I've got a whole bunch of 10-minute exercise videos from Spark People. Even I can get up enough energy for 10 minutes, although I'm very good at finding excuses.:blushing:
  • I feel your pain to some extent...but I am not close to my halfway mark! So congrats on getting this far. I am just coming back to the site now after disappearing for a few months. I graduated from college, and was unemployed for a few months (great free time to get in shape). And then I got a great job and I'm really happy with my boyfriend and...well, I just fell back into my routine and the gym was not in it. I eat fairly healthy (albeit too much some days) but the gym just wasn't a priority. So I'm making it one! I'm heading to an actual gym tonight, not the one the apartment provides, but one where I'll spend $25/month to have access to. I'm hoping that paying for gym access will help motivate me to use it haha.

    As for some motivation, here are some that have worked for me in the past and that I'll be using again now that I'm getting my life back together.

    *I don't have cable, so I make sure that I hit the gym when a baseball/football game is on that will keep me engaged and keep me on the treadmill/elliptical for more than 30 minutes!

    *I keep a migraine journal in my desk at work (also tracks my fitness/health level) and I taped a few pictures on the first few pages: 1 of me when I was 18 in a dress and in peak fitness, 1 of me and my boyfriend on vacation when I was still looking pretty delicious, and 1 of me in Mexico (where I lost 15 pounds from working out all the time to keep up with the drinking hehe). I don't need pictures of what I look like now--I'm aware! But it's some motivation, like-hey I could look like THAT again!

    *Every now and then, I bust out the suitcase of clothes that I can't wear until I lose weight...I don't try them on (that's just torture) but I remind myself of the wardrobe I'll have (for free!) when I get myself back in shape.

    *I set mini-goals. In the long run, of course, I want to live a healthy life and all that. In the short run, I have a goal for Halloween (costume time), my birthday at the end of November (have to look fabulous), a holiday gala at my work in December (time to get back in that dress), my boyfriend's birthday in January, my 3 year anniversary in February, etc. There's always an occasion where I know I'll feel better if I am toned and healthy. So instead of thinking long term, I think: alright, let's lose 5 pounds before Halloween, or I should tone my arms up before wearing a dress to a gala.

    *I enter my food and workout here on MFP as soon as I get to work. I plan what I'm going to eat, and how much I'll work out. Then if I don't feel like going, I already know exactly what the end count is going to look like. And then I think, man if I don't get to the gym, I really shouldn't have more than a salad for dinner...but I really want to have a (veggie) burger tonight...guess I better get my butt to the gym!

    I hope something I said was helpful haha, take care NykkieZ. Also, hello fellow Iowan! I live in DC now but born and raised for 18 years in Iowa :-) I love hitting the gym to see the Hawkeye games!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    as for exercise--set any new goal/challenge
    x pushups by y
    x situps by y
    a faster mile
    x miles by y
    2 new classes a month
    learn ballet
    put your workout clothes ready by your bed or packed to take to work

    OR...put yourself on maintenance for a few weeks. that dsn't mean eat all junk, but just try coasting for a bit if you need a break from the pressure.
    this is a marathon not a sprint, as has been said by many wise people before me.

    congratulations on reaching your 1/2way point! that in itself is a huge accomplishment.
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Thanks to everyone for your encouragement!

    I do plan my meals for all day right in the morning and definitely don't eat all crap.

    I also have mini-goals (next one is to get to 25 pounds lost by Thanksgiving) which I know I'll reach, I guess I just don't give everything as much gusto as I did when I first started this.

    Well now I better keep myself accountable, I need to kick my butt and get back on the exercise train!

    cmurphy - great idea for the TV thing - we have cable and we own our own elliptical, I think I will call the satellite company and have them set up another box in our exercise room! Good idea on the pictures too, I'll have to dig some old ones out.
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