Representing NE Ohio 31 year old big girls

:happy: Hi, I'm not completely new to mfp, I've had the app on my phone for 10 months now and have decided to use it ;-). I teach, and actually look forward to returning as I find it easier to control my food intake during school season. I'd lost 75 lb a few years ago, but life has brought it all back to me....ugh! So I'm dealing with being mad at myself for allowing it to happen. I'm a clothes-a-holic, and I am now the proud owner of a room full (yes, a whole room) that I cannot fit into. So, I'm getting back on the wagon, dealing with my food addiction, and searching for a physical activity that I enjoy. I had it made when my precious Ballys was here, but now they've shut down here in town and I find the alternatives lacking, yet another of my "excuses" for delaying getting back on the wagon. My goal is simple: lose weight, feel great. The better I look, the better I feel, and the more outgoing I am. I don't want to be a size 5, I just want to be on the smaller end of the plus sized department.