Introducing myself.

Hello! My name is Lauren. I am 4'10 and weigh 245 lbs. I am tired of being unhealthy... Period. I am so ready to get serious about losing this weight. I am getting married in October. I swore I was gonna lose 60-70 pounds by then... Just didn't happen. I didn't make it happen. I know I will not be my goal weight on my wedding day, that's okay. Now I NEED to lose wEight before I get pregnant. I do not want any added complications due to my size and weight. Please share your success stories with me. I am open to any healthy recipes and exsercise routines. Hope to get to know yall! Happy losing!

Thanks for reading my story, :)


  • 1ViciousCutee
    Added! :)

    Love your story. I'm here to help and motivate you to get your your goals. You never know starting off losing weight with clean eating and exercise the weight comes right off. Of coarse there's some hard days but its worth it!
  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Lauren!

    Welcome to MFP! Congrats on your upcoming marriage!!
    I'm Kym and have been here for awhile. I have alot to lose... over 100 pounds...but am well on my way :)
    I focus on 5 pounds at a time... Looking at 50 - 100 pounds is just to overbearing/ and unattainable for me....Thats why I chose to focus on 5 pounds...and I also believe in non-food rewards :) Shopping has been awesome, etc....

    One thing that has helped me other than having the MFP app on my cell... Is surrounding myself with others with the similar goals as I have. It helps...

    Feel free to add me as a friend (anyone else can as well)... You can never have tooo many :)

    You can do this ;)
  • sabinavaughan
    sabinavaughan Posts: 109 Member
    Hi Lauren

    I am back on the wagon again today so know that you are not alone. My first goal is 5 pounds an I will get myself some new music for my walks. I have type 2 diabetes so I am not going anywhere! You can do this too!
