New and already panicking!

amandamae Posts: 23
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi...My name is Amanda and I live in Alabama. I am 28, and my husband, Josh, is 30. We have 3 dogs. I work as a secretary for a school system in HR. We do not have children, yet, but hope to soon! We have actually been trying for 4 years now. I have just been diagnosed with unexplained infertility...all of our tests came back showing that everything looks great and is working just as it should...I know it sounds silly, but that can be extremely frustrating. I am trying to get it in my head that I need to concentrate on ME right now and get my body in shape for whatever we might have to do down the road in regards to conceiving. If I could walk a lap every time I start thinking about having children, I might be pretty small right now :wink:

I'm new to this site. Well, new to really sticking to the site :smile: I signed up a while back but have not had my head in the "game". I'm definitely not new to weight loss. I joined Weight Watchers online in January of 2007 and by October of 07, I had lost 54 lbs. I was soooo proud of losing that weight...soo proud! Well, I lost the mind set and slowly but surely gained it back...I'm 7 lbs away from being right back where I started. I desperately do NOT want to see those numbers again, but something in my mind is telling me what's the big deal. I'm an emotional eater and let's face it, I just love food! I love the way it tastes and the way it makes me feel. On the other hand I do NOT like the way it makes me feel in OR out of my clothes. I'm ready to make the change before I gain those 7 lbs. back, but I can't get my head straight :ohwell: I know that this site will definitely help me, I just have to use it to it's fullest potential! I need all the support and motivation I can get :happy:


  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Amanda.
    I just really started tracked my foods and attempting to stay on the exercise wagon as of yesterday. So, we'll see how it goes right?
    Stress can really impede weight loss, so hopefully you'll get good and knocked up soon!! :laugh:
    I have gained and lost sooo much weight for the last ten years. It's tough when you worked so hard, then gain it back. I've gotten to the point where something HAS to change cause I don't fit into my winter work clothes and I REFUSE to buy bigger stuff!
  • Same here...I'm wearing summer clothes to work today and it's chilly out there! I too refuse to buy anything bigger!!
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    If you log everthing BEFORE you eat it, it usually makes the goal of keeping the weight off bigger than the soothing of the emotions.
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    hi and good luck, i lost 48 lb 2 years ago, ive put 9 back on and told myself thats enough it is so hard to lose and so easy to gain. I was on this site all last winter and it really kept me on track, so here I am today starting again I actually put my weight down as a starting weight just so I can keep a real good track of what is going on. If you need any help with anything or if you need to chat Im here. Good luck in your journey to eating healthy.
  • I actually just logged what I know I'm eating tonight, and I'm now negative in my calorie intake! Maybe I'll rethink that 220 calorie roll!! Talk about an eye opener!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Amanda, you and I share similar husband and I are also trying to conceive (although we have not been trying anywhere near as long as you have been) and I have gained back all of the weight I had just lost last year for our wedding. I've decided that tomorrow is today and I need to get on track. I want to be healthy for when I do get pregnant and I really want a cute baby belly! Good luck in your journey!!!
  • Thanks, Sara...Good luck to you too!!!:smile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hi and welcome! Being a mom is the best job in the world! It's one of those work hard play hard deals. I can relate where you're coming from as I had to work really hard for over a year to get my blood sugar under control before my doctors would clear me for conception. I did it, and maintained Nazi-like control my entire pregnancy and had a beautiful, healthy girl. However, I completely fell off the horse shortly after having her, so here I am.

    ANYWAY, if you are over on your calories, and have already done your exercising for the day, don't forget that adult time in the sack can burn off an additional 150 calories for a good romp! I know that may be TMI, but it has certainly helped me meet my calorie and exercise requirements. Plus it's great for your relationship!

    Good luck, you can do it ;)

    P.S. Writing all your meals down on a calendar will not only help your meal/calorie choices, but will also pamper your wallet at the grocery store (no extra buying)
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Good Luck!!! Try not to look at it as a diet this time...make it a way of life so that you never have to worry about gaining back what you lose again!!

    Nice to see someone from Alabama too!!! Your the first I've seen!!!! I'm from North Alabama.
  • Hi. Amanda. How tall are you? I can give you the height/weight you should be according to your height (large/medium/small frame) in a bit.


  • I'm 5'6"...and it's good to see someone else from Alabama :o)
  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    You just need to fins out what works for you. Everybody here has ideas and their own successes, but their lifestyle is different from yours. My fiance, for instance, does what he calls "long nights" and "short nights". Long nights is 30 min. of fairly intense cardio(running, biking, stationary bike) and 30 min. weights and prones. Short nights is 30 min. push-ups, sit-ups, and different weights. He doesn't believe in talking about exercise or needing moral support to keep going. He has crazy strong willpower. He gives himself 1 skip day a week and absolutely no way will he skip 2 days. He will cancel plans if he has to. None of this works for me! I need support and to know that other people are going through the same thing I am.
    You'll find your own path and hopefully we can all help!! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks, Kristin! I wish I had that kind of willpower!! You're right though, I need to find what works for me. I know that I would love kick-boxing, but there isn't a class nearby. Does anyone know of a good video that I could get??
  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    The Wii kickboxing is supposed to be awesome! I want a Wii so bad, but haven't had the extra money. But is you think about it, it will cost much less than a gym membership or classes if you can stick with it! That's my biggest problem is sticking with it. I tend to give up.
    We have a stationary bike at home, but I don't use it cause it hurts my tush. We have a Gazelle, but I get bored. I have an excuse for everything! But the Wii is supposed to be fun, like a game, so I think I am going to splurge.

    And I just checked my "supposed to be" weight here:

    According to their test, I have a medium frame. With a medium frame at 5'4" I am supposed to be between 124-138. That is a huge difference! I was happy at 124, I am miserable and feel absolutely disgusting at 139. So only you can tell when you are at your "happy" weight.

    Check Amazon or for Kickboxing videos.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello Amanda! I too am an Amanda! Welcome to the site. Just logging your food alone will help out alot. TRUST ME! I managed to lose 3 lbs this past week by purely logging what I was eating. And I even had a horrible day last Wednesday and consumed 3x my daily limit! You definately look at what you eat if you log it before hand. Because the numbers will blow you away! Seriously how can something so tiny have so many calories!!! No exercise last week as well. This week I started buckling down and jumped on the exercise wagon as well. Kickboxing is so much fun! Tae-Bo is a great one! If you are interested in another workout I have started the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It is very worth it! I also did Weight watchers last year. From October 14th 2008 to December 6th 2008 and lost 16lbs but I had had surgery and stopped paying as much attention to the Weight Watchers, and even stopped going to meetings so I gained it all back! Here I am! Right here with you... so welcome, and you will definately find a groove here... just remember others are looking to you for support and motivation as well! That is what gets me through... being held Accountable!
  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    Hello Amanda! I too am an Amanda! Welcome to the site. Just logging your food alone will help out alot. TRUST ME! I managed to lose 3 lbs this past week by purely logging what I was eating. And I even had a horrible day last Wednesday and consumed 3x my daily limit! You definately look at what you eat if you log it before hand. Because the numbers will blow you away! Seriously how can something so tiny have so many calories!!! No exercise last week as well. This week I started buckling down and jumped on the exercise wagon as well. Kickboxing is so much fun! Tae-Bo is a great one! If you are interested in another workout I have started the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It is very worth it! I also did Weight watchers last year. From October 14th 2008 to December 6th 2008 and lost 16lbs but I had had surgery and stopped paying as much attention to the Weight Watchers, and even stopped going to meetings so I gained it all back! Here I am! Right here with you... so welcome, and you will definately find a groove here... just remember others are looking to you for support and motivation as well! That is what gets me through... being held Accountable!

    You really like the Jillian Michaels' thing? Do you think it's going to be effective? Maybe I will try that. Thanks for the recommendation!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello Amanda! I too am an Amanda! Welcome to the site. Just logging your food alone will help out alot. TRUST ME! I managed to lose 3 lbs this past week by purely logging what I was eating. And I even had a horrible day last Wednesday and consumed 3x my daily limit! You definately look at what you eat if you log it before hand. Because the numbers will blow you away! Seriously how can something so tiny have so many calories!!! No exercise last week as well. This week I started buckling down and jumped on the exercise wagon as well. Kickboxing is so much fun! Tae-Bo is a great one! If you are interested in another workout I have started the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It is very worth it! I also did Weight watchers last year. From October 14th 2008 to December 6th 2008 and lost 16lbs but I had had surgery and stopped paying as much attention to the Weight Watchers, and even stopped going to meetings so I gained it all back! Here I am! Right here with you... so welcome, and you will definately find a groove here... just remember others are looking to you for support and motivation as well! That is what gets me through... being held Accountable!

    You really like the Jillian Michaels' thing? Do you think it's going to be effective? Maybe I will try that. Thanks for the recommendation!

    I love it! I tried to start my exercise regime at the beginning of the month (on the 1st and 2nd) but I had a few minor glitches up until now. I did do the work out on the 1st and 2nd ..the full workout, then again I did 15 of 20 minutes on the 3rd, 4th and 5th. I already notice a difference. I was ashamed that after being out of the military for just about 2 years I couldn't even do a push up to save my life! I had to do them on my I can do 5 regular push-ups (the rest I do on my knees)! Definately think about giving it a try... I really like it! I have a thread on it if you go to Fitness & Exercise... it is under Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred! Hope to see you join us there!

  • oonafey
    oonafey Posts: 42 Member
    I ordered it from Amazon! Hope it keeps me motivated. :yawn: I get bored so easy. Actually, I'm just lazy as hell. I would much rather lay around with my dogs and read a book than exercise. We live on a busy two lane street with no sidewalk or lightposts, so I can't walk them in the evenings. :angry:
  • Hi Amanda,
    I am a young mother of two and I have a feeleing that if you do not try and just focus on you, your husband, your health and having a 'good' time w/hubby when you guys both want to (not becasue you are 'tryin' to) then you will get your wish of children. I will certainly pray for you on that.

    On the weight loss side of things, I just started this website yesterday and I have lost 3lbs. I know it is not the website that lost me the lbs but I do know that when entering in ALL of what you will eat that day, right after breakfast (for me, but before dinner and nighttime snack forsure), helps to see where you are or need to be to eat less callories.

    The simplest way to think about it is if you take in more calories than what you need and burn, you will gain weight. Of course there are other factors but thinking about it that way helps me to choose meals and snacks where I will have some calories left over every day rather than always cutting it close.

    I love, I mean REALLY love food. The smell, the taste and the way it brings people together but I lvoe ME alot more and if I LIMIT my intake rather than cut out all the foods I LOVE I will have a better shot at maintaining my weight because I will not be craving those foods, I will just eat less of them. I can still go to the resturant with all of my friends for a Sat dinner, but I have a salad instead. Or take home left overs and limit my portions!

    As for the Jillian workouts (the lady from biggest loser) they are great. Hard as hell and will kick your *kitten* almost every time, even when you do them daily, but she is great at what she does and you can literally feel results!

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