Breakfast really that important?



  • Samson
    Had to redo my account and they wouldnt let me reuse Samson960 :/.They chopped my head off in my pic...
  • ashleyjea1985
    why dont you try eating a smoothie. or just a banana???
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Seriously, the facts ARE there. Not by diet companies, but by lots and lots of studies by independant labs, backed up by more studies, by different labs. Confirmed by trainers, nutritionists, and doctors all over the country. This isn't fringe thinking, this is as mainstream as it gets. Breakfast is important. This isn't my opinion, it is FACT! Go to your doctor and ask, go to a gym, find a trainer and ask, find a nutritionist and ask. Or go here and read it:

    You may not like eating that early, that's fine, I understand, but that makes it no less important.