Ripped in 30

Hey Guys!

So ive finished 30 day shred with great results and now ive moved on to Ripped in 30. Does anyone know how to calculate the amount of calories you averagely burn for level 1? level 2 etc? I enjoy this DVD better, especially with the strength circuit as i think the 3 x 30 seconds exercise is better than the 30 day shred which has 30 seconds of one strength move than 1 minute of the other strength move.
I have noticed some of the moves are quite repetitive from 30 day shred but I guess thats because none of the moves are repeated within the four levels, so thats expected from Jillians routines.

Let me know what you think and how you got on with Ripped in 30, results better than 30 day shred? x


  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    My HRM gives me a burn of about 300kcal per session (so probably more 250kcal as your smaller than me), why not get a HRM to test it out, there only about £15 on amazon for a basic model.

    The DVD's are a really good introduction to basic weight work, but more importantly stamina. You certainly notice the difference in your endurance, there are some strength gains, although i think the notisably size increase is more to do with a reducing body fat %, re-awakening old muscle rather than building new and also increasing the bodies receptiveness to use muscle!.

    any other questions? (unfortunately i cant comment on 30DS, never used it)

    Ps, i'm on week 3!
  • susyw_2003
    I have ordered one actually, should be on its way to me :)
    Yeah i have definitely noticed a big difference from doing her circuit training DVDs as opposed to just going running or swimming on its own. Hows level 3 for you? Some of the moves are the same as 30 day shred so im used to some of them so i guess i had a slight advantage ha!

  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    Sooo unfair! This is the first DVD of her's (or anyone) i've tried... i swim 2.5k 4 times a week, so wanted something which focused on other things!, im going to finish this and then when im down to my first target weight im gonna drop 2 of my swims and start p90x, got any recomendations for something to fit into the next two interim months? i thought about maybe doing p90 for two months following my own diet to get me used to something similar to p90x?

    Some of the week 3 moves are ingredably challenging!.... definately pushing my knees to the maximum tollerence (and they thought they'd got a break for once after loosing all the weight!)

    HRM is definately the way to go! i can also recomend a pool mate swim tracker if your are hardcore swimmer?!

    feel free to add me as a friend if you like!