Well this is depressing...



  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Their model says that my maintenance intake when I started on December 1, 2011 was 3294 calories. My actual average intake since then has been 2493, a deficit of 800 calories.

    Their model predicts that my weight right now (eight months in) is 224.8 lbs. In fact, it's 212 lbs. So I've lost 12 more pounds than their model predicts.

    My conclusion: Don't let one model depress you. You are a unique snowflake and your path cannot be predicted from the fanciest "one dimensional differential equation energy balance model."

  • npca06
    npca06 Posts: 14 Member
  • deathtech
    You have to be very leery (?) of all these online calculators, they are more a generalized tool , and since every diet and routine, and body, and metabolism are different, they are never 100% accurate. Dont let this demotivate you. even the BMI index here says I am 24.4 BF% and teetering on the edge of being unhealthy. I am 190 lbs, 6'2". It doesnt take into account my diet, or the fact that i am literally ripped from head to toe and am actually at about 10% BF. Keep your head up, and don't let this stuff get you down.

    Do you not feel better , and look better than when you started ?

    then it's worth it.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Interesting article. So why is this depressing? Basically it's just reiterating what we already know which is the only way to "lose" weight is by creating a calorie deficit. What I took from that was even if you are super active you still need to maintain a healthy diet.

    And for someone who's working hard and already lost nearly 50 lbs I highly doubt it will take several years for you to drop the remaining 50!

    I didn't notice the TDEE (current calorie intake) at the bottom of the page at first. So assuming I was eating 2721 cals, it would have taken me a long time to lose 50lbs. That was the depressing part. But I'm actually eating a lot less than that already, plus exercising, plus feeling good....so "depressing" was definitely the wrong word to use. :)