Buying clothes just a little too small?

Has anyone ever done this to kind of motivate themselves? I bought two sundresses dresses today- one fit perfectly and one either had a size too big or a size too small. Since I've started losing weight I hate buying clothes- I constantly have it going in my head that I'll spend money, and then the clothes will end up being useless! So I made a impulse purchase and bought it in a medium....

Got home, tried it on, and yikes! It's so small on me I have a hard time imagining it will ever fit! I may just return it...

Has anyone ever tried doing this- buying small to set kind of a goal?


  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I keep a pair of jeans one size too small and hange them where I can see them every day. I call them my "inspiration jeans" and I try them on every couple of weeks or so until they fit comfortably.....then I go buy another pair the next size down.

    Or, I used to do this. I'm at my goal size now, so I don't need anymore.
  • nicolio8699
    nicolio8699 Posts: 141 Member
    all the time! i am an avid thrift store shopper, so it's rarely costly, but i always have jeans in my closet that are the next 2 sizes down and i intermittently try them on to see how close i am! lol it works and it is so rewarding when the jeans i remember not fitting at all are hanging off my butt! <3<3
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Yep, and I've made it into some clothes in my closet that have never fit before.

    There was a time I couldn't wear a Junior's 2xl from Target and now the XL is getting big on me! Last summer, I bought a juniors XL dress at target that was way too tight and it's my sexy go-to dress now. :bigsmile:
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Nope, the motivating factor for my losing weight was that I was miserable in my clothes. I would never do that on purpose. But you will probably fit into it. If not this summer for sure next.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Once in a while. I saw a really cute dress on clearance at Wal-Mart, and since it was only $5 and just a bit tight I bought it anyway.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    I have found that now that I have surpassed all of my "skinny" clothes in the closet and they are all falling off that I have had no choice but to go buy a few things as to not embarass myself in public with a wardrobe malfunction, lol. The hardest part is seeing the brand new dress you bought just a few weeks ago in a smaller size now be too big and falling off and you just pulled the tags off to wear it for the first time. There are a few things I can modify and take in, but this weight loss stuff gets expensive. My advice is have a few things you are losing to get into but wait until you are maintaining to restock the closet.
  • MizMontez
    Yes and I kept mine though still hoping for the one day but mine are still their with the tags.I still have some of my cute size 3 jeans and im like ya right but hey if we push it is possible right.I say save the dress and let it be an encouragement motivator rather than a discourager.And something that I keep hearing is that WE are our WORST critics.I send BLESSINGS of a POSITIVE mind set your way of a renewed mind that YOU CAN do it ;)
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    Last weekend I did just that, but partially, especially for jeans it is the thought that while I don't really need them during the summer, I will need them in a few months, so if they are a bit tight now, maybe they won't be as baggy come the time I want to wear them as compared to if they fit well right now.

    I also really hate shopping, so if I can get a few things too small now and not have to go shopping again later, it's all fine and dandy! I got through about 50 pounds before I ran out of my old jeans I had stored away, so having smaller sizes to try and get into coming up is nice.
  • TexasSunny
    TexasSunny Posts: 87 Member
    I do this once in awhile... usually at a thrift shop tho, so I only pay 2 or 3 dollars. I'll buy pants that I like that I can ALMOST zip up, or that I can zip up but that are too tight to wear until they fit better!

    But then, I do have a good size hoard of "skinny clothes" just calling my name!
  • ademiter
    ademiter Posts: 176 Member
    I just went shopping to buy some slacks and when I tried on my size 12's (which I was originally a 14), they were just a LITTLE too big for me (but comfortable). I went down to a 10! They fit me to a tee, with no room for growth, but I said I was determined to comfortably fit in these size 10s no matter what. I left with 3 pairs of size 10 dress pants!!!! :) Spending the money on those IS my motivation! lol
  • Slimmasaurus
    Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
    I never buy clothes too small on purpose - it just makes me feel rubbish when I try it on and it doesn't fit!
    I'm sure that you will fit into it soon though :) If it motivates you, then that's great :D
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    yeah I have, but it has to be cheap, like under 20dollars for me to do that. and I've had success with it. because I REALLY won't be going back. this lifestyle is habit, yeah the eating isn't perfect, but I'll NEVER be 300pounds again. I see no regression, so I don't mind buying smaller
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I definitely have! Recently, I had some Kohl's cash to use up, so I bought two pairs of workout capri's in medium, even though I was probably a tight large. I had XL pairs that I figured I could keep wearing until I get to medium so I don't have to spend money on a transition size. This morning I kept having to hike my pants up while doing my Ripped In 30 DVD and also while walking around the house getting breakfast ready afterwards. I thought to myself that tonight I should get those out of the packages and try them on!
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    yup I buy all my new clothes just a little too small...that way I always have something to wear.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    I done this a few weeks ago, because I LOVED the top :P

    It is in my old (and goal) size, and I will get into it eventually... It's too nice to waste he he.
  • ber3023
    ber3023 Posts: 146 Member
    I have mostly bought from thrift stores to save some money during my weight loss, since I have a whole new wardrobe! So if I find something really nice or like name brand jeans, still with tags, but they're a size too small, shoot yeah I own them! lol Sometimes you get in them before you think you can. Most of the time I think "lets see how tight these still are" and what do ya know, they'll fit! Just don't try to force yourself into something that's too tight. It'll only make ya look and feel heavier than you are...
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    This sounds crazy...I try on everything I'm going to buy...don't purchase unless it is well-fitted and flattering.
  • JenS_1678
    The thrift store idea is a great one. I'm usually so tight with my money- I can't believe I bought one, let alone two! I'm still not sure if I'll keep the second one. I might go ahead and get a pair of jeans from the thrift store. Even though the dress may fit someday, I would rather try on and keep trying a pair of jeans that are a little snug compared to a dress that is way too small!
  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    I did that this weekend, there were some trousers I loved in the sale and they only had size 12. I tried them on...could do them up just - so I bought them thinking they'll fit perfectly for my holiday in a months time - now I have some motivation!! xxx
  • butterflylover527
    butterflylover527 Posts: 940 Member
    I only buy clothes in a smaller size right now. If I go shopping, I'm looking in the M instead of the XL. I'm not planning on staying the size I am now for too much longer so I don't see the point of buying clothes that fit me now lol