How many calories?

How many calories should I burn per day with exercise? I'm 5'3" and 138 - 140 lbs. I exercise 6 days a week, doing 35 - 40 minutes of cardio each day, and 20 minutes of strength training every other day. I'm also gonna start doing HIIT (high intensity interval training) on my stationary bike, for 15 minutes in the morning before breakfast, two days a week, along with my exercise in the afternoon. My BMR (including exercise!!!!) is about 2300 - 2400 calories so I eat about 1600 - 1800 and I burn about 300 with my exercise. Does this sound good? I wanna lose 5 pounds a month

See, I had been eating the amount MFP tells me. Which is about 1500 calories a day. But I did that and exercised for about 45 minutes for two months and didn't drop a single pound! I'm not sure why.


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    BMR doesn't include exercise. You mean TDEE.

    Just set up MFP as normal, log your exercise, and eat what MFP tells you.