Projected weight?

Does anybody pay attention to that projected weight that MFP gives you once you close out a day's diary entry? Mine told me the first week that I would be at 172 in my fifth week. This is week 5... and that's still 8 pounds away. I've lost 9 already. So I am thinking that a projected loss of 17 pounds in 5 weeks is a little bit ridiculous.

When I closed out my diary yesterday, it said 173 in 5 weeks. Pretty sure the math is lacking here...


  • gryphalkon
    I believe its not based on past days, but rather 'if every day you consumed this number of calories". If those days you ate lower calories, but overall averaged higher you would see less weight loss overall. And it is only an estimate, I have found that it pretty inaccurate as well. Basically I just use it as extra motivation.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It's based on what would happen if you ate like you did today every day.

    That's why it says If every day was like this day you would . . .

    Every day is different.