Jillian Micheal's Ripped in 30 Start August 1st.. Lets Go!

I just got finished doing Day 1 of Jillian Micheal's Ripped in 30 and burned 560 calories and I must say she stepped up the workout from 30 Day shred but since I just finish the 30 day shred I'm more equipped to hang out with her. Its a harder workout but I got this for the next 29 days! Come on #teamfitandsexy


  • Muscles_Curves
    Muscles_Curves Posts: 385 Member
    I'm thinking about restarting it since I fell off the wagon during week 2. Between this and CrossFit I think I will be fit and sexy by the end of August.
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Start it back up because I did the 1st day today and Im determined to be fit and sexy by 1/1/13 :) I here if you need motivation :)
    I'm thinking about restarting it since I fell off the wagon during week 2. Between this and CrossFit I think I will be fit and sexy by the end of August.
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    I just finished my 2nd workout for the day. I burned 246 calories from doing Day 2 of Ripped in 30 ..it was hard as hell today (so I'm sure that was the reason for the low calories burned) but I pushed through.. I'm sore so dinner and Epsom bath is in order. Lets go! #teamfitandsexy
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    I just started day 1 week 1 of Ripped in 30 today and it really kicked my butt! It definately worked me harder then any of my other cardio kickboxing workouts! Im really sore too! I already love/hate jillian! I know ill be yelling at her again tomorrow doing day 2!!
  • bossladyday
    bossladyday Posts: 72 Member
    Just finished Day 3 of Ripped in 30 and I feel much better than yesterday. I burned 376 calories today ... That Advil and Epsom bath did a body good! Today is my Faturday (Dr. Oz introduces “Fat-urday”, a day where you have permission to eat what you want and can still lose weight. Choose the best fat-urday for you and eliminate binge temptations.) Have a beautiful day :) Lets go! #Teamfitandsexy
  • I just finished my Day 4 of week 1. At the beginning of the week my muscles were sore, but today I felt great afterwards! I know she recommends doing 5 to 6 days of workout with at least 1 day of rest...how many days a week do you guys plan on doing it?
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I finished RI30 in june but i'm so excited for you guys! I loved ripped, it totally shaped my *kitten*! lol
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 146 Member
    I am starting Ripped in 30 on Monday. I had a dental surgery Wednesday and I have to wait to work out, otherwise I would be starting now too :). The 30 Day Shred totally shaped my arms, so I cant wait. I am doing it a bit different than the directions though. I am doing 10 days at each level...so with 4 levels it should take a bit over 40 days.
  • moskey3
    moskey3 Posts: 4
    now is it level 1 for 30 days that you do first.
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    finished WEEK 1 of jillian michaels ripped in 30... gonna rest for 2 days... maybe get on the treadmill a little tomorrow and sunday..and start WEEK 2 monday!! excited although im a little discouraged today, seeing as how my scale says ive GAINED 2 lbs instead of losing :/
  • fajeeta
    fajeeta Posts: 52 Member
    Hey! I'm on my third day of Week 2, but it's gonna take me longer to move on from this one. I don't like to move on til I can do the whole segment not modified. Those frackalackin crow push ups kill!!!! And the plank jacks/mountain climbers/plank squats?!?! GEEZ. You know how she says, "You're not gonna die." I would laugh every time if I could just breathe enough to do it...
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    WTG ladies! I'm on Week 3, Day 3. No weight loss but I like the changes I see in my body. Thinking of committing to another month of RI30 or going full Rockstar/Bada$$ trying Body Revolution.
  • fajeeta
    fajeeta Posts: 52 Member

    Think your two pounds could be at least partially attributed to gaining more muscle fiber?? Don't get discouraged!! Fine tune and keep up the awesome work. It's all numbers...we just gotta make em work for us.
  • carolebville
    carolebville Posts: 140 Member
    Should I be afraid? I just borrowed the Jillian DVD from the Library today....you guys are scaring me!!!! But I will pop it in tomorrow and attempt to day #1. Do you have any words of wisdom???

  • Shoot, I just started 30 day shred yesterday. My plan was to complete 30 day shred, then go into ripped in 30, since I fear ripped in 30 may deal more with strength training whereas 30 day shred is a cardio/strength mixture and since I have hardly any muscle whatsoever I wanted to prepare my body. Yesterday after one measly 20 minute workout with her I almost died! Gotta love her though. Guess I'm just dropping in to say good luck everybody!
  • fajeeta
    fajeeta Posts: 52 Member
    Should I be afraid? I just borrowed the Jillian DVD from the Library today....you guys are scaring me!!!! But I will pop it in tomorrow and attempt to day #1. Do you have any words of wisdom???


    Oh, she'll bust your butt...make no mistake! But my body has changed SOO fast. I took two weeks for segment one and I'm about three days into segment two. Do what you can...modify...breathe and grab a drink of water and go some more. Each time try to make it a little farther without modifying or stopping. You can do this!!!

    I've seen noticeable difference in my triceps, shoulders, butt...and serious abs. I had quite the pooch in my lower abs and that has shrunk to almost nothing!! And my ribcage area has really leaned down fast. :D Gotta love results. And this is only week two...

    So go for it. It's hard, but so worth it once you're done. :D
  • 92_sweetheart
    92_sweetheart Posts: 131 Member
    Officially starting tomorrow!!! Did only about 10 mins. today just to try it out!! Not so bad, can't wait for the soreness when I wake up!!!
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i'm gonna start this soon!!! i think its the jolt I need to my exercise routine..... :) heard its works very well
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    thank you... im not giving up, and i figured it had something to do with gaining muscle... just a little disappointed.... ive not felt my clothes being any looser either...
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    I did Day 3 today too, and those that are doing the Shred first Id say that's a good plan. I have put on about 5lbs since I started working out again 5 weeks ago, hoping that if I just carry on I will see changes in my body and what the scales say wont matter.