Vacation - oh yes and oh no.

Hello all! I'm heading to Hawaii to visit my sister for two weeks! While I'm EXTREMELY excited to be able to do this, I do worry about staying on track.

Most likely I'll be eating what my sister cooks or wherever we go out to eat, and I don't want to be that person that's always eating something else for fitness sake.

I'll try to go for runs around the island, and that may be it for exercise.

Any tips for maintaining my progress and keeping myself on track?



  • cara4fit
    cara4fit Posts: 111 Member
    Awesome that you're going to Hawaii - enjoy! Tell your sister, if she doesn't already know, that you're simply trying to eat more healthily, not necessarily that you're aiming to lose weight, because sometimes that puts people on the spot about what kind of food THEY'RE preparing and eating. Also, making a big deal about dieting/what you can or can't eat puts people on the spot as well. Best to be discreet. Offer to help out with food prep - I'm sure she'll appreciate that, UNLESS, she's a complete kitchen control freak LOL! In general, when you see something particularly healthy, make oohs and ahs about it and say how delicious this looks! This should be easy with all the Hawaiian fruits, and festive fresh foods in a good restaurant. Depending on what island you're going to, a trip to a local growers' market would be fun, and garner some great healthy foods, and get you in touch with the local flavor too - always a plus. I know my husband and I LIVED off of what we got twice weekly at the Hilo Farmers' market on the Big Island.
    When you eat out, try to make good choices. Avoid the deep-fried, heavily-sauced stuff, and quietly order leaner items if at all possible, In Hawaii, depending on the restaurant, there should be good seafood on the menu, something with vegetables, grilled items, and think of all those fresh fruits! If there's a local high-calorie treat you simply must have, go ahead and have it, just not a huge serving. A very popular dish throughout the islands among locals is the plate lunch. Usually this is a nutritional disaster with both 2 scoops of white rice and a scoop of macaroni salad along with the meat. Some places, however will let you make substitutions like brown rice and or salad instead of all the white carbs. Finally when eating out, you don't have to eat the whole thing right then and there - doggy bags exist for a good reason:)
    Also, that 2-week break from strict dieting(within reason) is good - that temporary increase in calories is sometimes good for a change, like taking a short training break. One will come back stronger and more able, and one will be eager to hop back on one's dietary program once again. If you're able to just maintain your weight while travelling, that's excellent! Anyhow, enjoy the trip!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Have a great time!

    I was lucky enough to spend 5 weeks traveling this summer (3 for work, 2 for fun). Lost weight all five weeks.

    1) Keep tracking. I have a phone app, which helps me a lot. If you don't have an app or can't remember or if you're really a fanatic, jot it down right after you eat OR snap a pic with your cell phone for later entry
    2) Portion size. I eat everything I want, just not much of lots of things. I almost always split food with my husband - if you can't split with your sister, just take some home. Or order appetizers (cheaper anyway). Some restaurants make their reputation with huge portions - sometimes I've split with my husband and STILL taken food home! LOL
    3) Watch those big yummy drinks. I almost died when I read how many calories there are in a milk shake
    4) IMHO, limit fried foods and (this is my friend the weight loss researcher's phrase) foods that are white - white flour, white rice, sugar, cream, and marbly meats.

    You're on Hawaii - tell your sister how much you love fish and all those wonderful fresh fruits.

    And exercise! Walking on the beach is a wonderful thing to do.
  • Wow, thank you both so much for your advice. I really appreciate it! I feel like I'll be able to stay on track with what you've given me. Fruits and fish are the way to go! I think I can manage that. :) Thanks again.
  • sgall123
    sgall123 Posts: 133 Member
    when im away i track nothing im there to enjoy myself not worry about how many calories im eating.. dont worry about it too much just enjoy your vacation