
I have been doing strength training for a while, but I don't feel like I'm progressing as much as I should, especially since I seem to be reading in a few places that beginners will make bigger gains, and women will gain strength more readily than men initially.
I've tried using jefit before, but somehow didn't really log properly, and so didn't feel like it was worth having, but I would like to use it properly this time. Does anyone on here use it? Any tips for the best and easiest way to use the phone app, with workouts?
Also, it would be great to have some friends on both my mfp account and jefit account, so please add me to both if you're looking for more friends interested in strength training. :D Username is natpalit on both.


  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    anyone? :(
  • 120weeks
    120weeks Posts: 242 Member
    I'd been lifting for about 20 weeks before I started using JEFIT. Oh I adore it! I'm in my 3rd week of using the app and it's awesome. I write notes to myself sometimes (I'm a novice). I have to watch the videos from time to time to remind myself of form. My husband set up the programs and so after I sync, he can see my achievements for that day. It's a lot of fun! I don't have any friends on there and probably won't use it socially but It's a great tool and I hope you use it.
  • alanspeckman
    alanspeckman Posts: 1 Member
    I use JEFIT all the time. I started with GymTechnik on my blackberry but when I moved to Android(awesome) there was no APP for GymTechnik like there was on the blackberry. There was just a shortcut to their mobile website. JefFit moved right in place and I have not looked back. I love JeFit and wish myfitnesspal would link up with JeFit like it does my FitBit.

    You have to login to the website, find a routine. I look for levels intermediate to advanced, and the type of routine, such as cutting, bulking up, then I look for how popular it is. After I decide on the routine I want, I download it and next time I am on my phone, I just sync up and that routine is on my phones JeFit. There is no actual download to your PC, that is the only confusing thing.

    So keep using JeFit! You can also build your own routine. :-)