Looking Good For Christmas - Week 15



  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I'll let you know how Zumba goes. I am really eager to get started.

    I hear Zumba is an amazing workout. I would love to try it but we put in home gym equipment so I wouldn't need a membership so I know my husband would not be impressed if I joined just for that. I wonder if you can just take the class without a membership.

    Anyways have fun!
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 182.5 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 180lbs
    Week 2 July 29 - 179lbs.

    Week 3 August 5- 177 lbs.
    Week 4 August 12 - 176 lbs.
    Week 5 August 19 - 174.5 lbs.
    Week 6 August 26- 176 lbs.

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday - 173.5 lbs.
    Week 8 September 9 - 172
    Week 9 September 16 - 170.5
    Week 10 September 23 - 171
    Week 11 September 30 168.5

    Week 12 October 7 169
    Week 13 October 14 168. 5
    Week 14 October 21 166.5 Its crunch time!!!
    Week 15 October 28

    Week 16 November 4
    Week 17 November 11
    Week 18 November 18
    Week 19 November 25 American Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!

    Week 20 December 2
    Week 21 December 9
    Week 22 December 16
    Week 23 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
    My goal is to be 150lbs. by Xmas!!
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Zumba looks so fun! Good luck with it!
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    I'll let you know how Zumba goes. I am really eager to get started.

    I hear Zumba is an amazing workout. I would love to try it but we put in home gym equipment so I wouldn't need a membership so I know my husband would not be impressed if I joined just for that. I wonder if you can just take the class without a membership.

    Anyways have fun!
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm taking the class through the Rec Center. I was happy to see that the Rec Center offered it, so I wouldn't have to get a gym membership.
    Check out local dance studios too. Around me there were a lot of options other than a gym.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Week 8 September 2 184. Total lost 1drinker
    Week 9 September 9 185 (Hopefully water weight because yesterday I was at 183..no way 2 pounds in
    one day especially when I worked out for over 1000 calories burned yesterday
    Week 10 September 16 182 Finally a drop -3 total lostdrinker drinker
    Week 11 September 23 185 Not a clue why I am up 3
    Week 12 September 30 184 drinker
    Week 13 October 7 184 No loss but we sat around watching the Twins game last night drinking wine!
    GO TWINS!!!
    Week 14 October 14 180 I am so happy. I have been struggling this whole challenge and Sunday morning I woke up and made up my mind to really push myself from now until Christmas and then reset my goals after the holidays.
    Week 15 October 21 184 back up..but I ate a lot of tasty but salty food yesterday for my birthday.

    Way to go all who lost this week!

    YEAH!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Congrats to everyone who has lost over this last week. Whatever you are doing, keep up the awesome job.
    To everyone else, hang in there. We all have our weeks. It will get better. Just stick to your guns on your food and exercise and make sure to journal it all. We will all get there together. :bigsmile:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Thu 07/23/09 07:25 AMStart Date July 15 Starting weight 208
    Week 1 July 22 206.4 down 1.6 (could be more but TOM!)
    Week 2 July 29 204.4 Down 2 Whoo hooo almost made my goal of under 200 by Aug 1!!!!

    Week 3 August 5 Will be on Vacation, won't be able to weigh in. Be back next week.
    Week 4 August 12 211 (gained of 6.6 pounds )

    Week 5 August 19 208lb Still working off the vacation weight
    Week 6 August 26 204!!! I'll take it. Back down to pre-vacation weight!!

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday 205.6
    Week 8 September 9 204 (-1.6) down 4lbs total. I guess that's better than being up 4!
    Week 9 September 16 200.2 (-3.8) Whooo Hoooo I'll take it!!!! Total loss 7.8
    Week 10 September 23 199.4 (-.08) I'll take it. Total loss -8.6
    Week 11 September 30 201.2 (+1.8) Bummer! I know what I've done wrong, next week will be better!

    Week 12 October 7 202.2 (+1) Total loss (5.8)
    Week 13 October 14 202.2 (0) Total loss (5.8)
    Week 14 October 21 204.6 It's TOM and I've been stress eating so I am not too upset, just won't make my Christmas goal I guess!!!
    Week 15 October 28

    Week 16 November 4
    Week 17 November 11
    Week 18 November 18
    Week 19 November 25 Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!

    Week 20 December 2
    Week 21 December 9
    Week 22 December 16
    Week 23 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
    Week 23

    Congrats to every one else!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    I'm taking the class through the Rec Center. I was happy to see that the Rec Center offered it, so I wouldn't have to get a gym membership.
    Check out local dance studios too. Around me there were a lot of options other than a gym.
    Thanks for the tip. I thought it was only offered at Good Life.
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Hello All, Happy Thursday!

    Jennifer – Thank you for being such a motivating and supportive member. You are awesome!!!

    C****ey – OMGoodness! That is wonderful!!!! Congratulations on the amazing loss. Your hard work is really paying off.

    Cheryl – You are doing so amazing and so close to your goal. Wow!! Way to go!!!

    TCasmey – Happy belated birthday!! Sounds like you had a good time!

    Almomay – Congrats on the loss. You are going nice and steady and I love your positive attitude.

    Goldk – You can totally do it, just believe in yourself and take time to think when you make your food choices. Good luck!

    Anthrochix – I am so sorry to hear about the car. I would be lost without mine since I am taxi to all. Congrats on the clothing getting baggy that is great!!! The scale will definitely catch up.

    Kdm – Wow, that sounds awesome. They have Zumba at the gym I go to but the classes are too early for me to get there in time. Hopefully next season they will have some later classes. I hope you have lots of fun too!!!

    Francis_adriro – I hope you are feeling better today and great way to stay active to motivate you to go to the gym when you are better. Keep up the amazing work!

    Momto4wifeto1 – Thank you for being so supportive and encouraging. You are such a wonderful member.

    Memaw – Don’t give up on your goal you just never know. 36 lbs lost so far is awesome!!!

    Well I didn't perish after last night's Week 5, Day 3 of the couch to 5K which was a 5 minute brisk warm up walk, 20 minute jog with no breaks and then a 5 minute cool down walk. Although I did 10 minute warm up and cool down instead. I actually made it and am unabashedly proud of myself for doing so. Saturday I start on week 6 and I know I can do this since I have unwavering determination to get this weight off and to get fit.

    I hope you all are having a great week and have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself because you are all worth it.

  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    Datenshi - Congrats on C25K. You're over half way there. I've thought about doing that program. Maybe after my Zumba classes end I'll do it. I'm still pretty intimidated by the whole running thing.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thu 07/23/09 07:25 AMStart Date July 15 Starting weight 208
    Week 1 July 22 206.4 down 1.6 (could be more but TOM!)
    Week 2 July 29 204.4 Down 2 Whoo hooo almost made my goal of under 200 by Aug 1!!!!

    Week 3 August 5 Will be on Vacation, won't be able to weigh in. Be back next week.
    Week 4 August 12 211 (gained of 6.6 pounds )

    Week 5 August 19 208lb Still working off the vacation weight
    Week 6 August 26 204!!! I'll take it. Back down to pre-vacation weight!!

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday 205.6
    Week 8 September 9 204 (-1.6) down 4lbs total. I guess that's better than being up 4!
    Week 9 September 16 200.2 (-3.8) Whooo Hoooo I'll take it!!!! Total loss 7.8
    Week 10 September 23 199.4 (-.08) I'll take it. Total loss -8.6
    Week 11 September 30 201.2 (+1.8) Bummer! I know what I've done wrong, next week will be better!

    Week 12 October 7 202.2 (+1) Total loss (5.8)
    Week 13 October 14 202.2 (0) Total loss (5.8)
    Week 14 October 21 204.6 It's TOM and I've been stress eating so I am not too upset, just won't make my Christmas goal I guess!!!

    Don't give up on yourself so easily. You are worth working hard for. Just make sure to journal everything and do your workouts. Plan ahead. When you feel like not working out, do it anyway. I promise 10 mins into it you will want to finish. Even if you do not finish, you at least got 10 mins in. That is better than no workout at all. Remember why you are doing this and keep pushing forward. When you feel like you need that bad snack or munchies for something that is not healthy for you, think of why you want it. Is it really worth it? You have set a goal for yourself, stick with it you can do it. Walk away from your craving, find something else to keep you occupied for 20 mins and if after that time you still want it, then eat it. Not until then. Most likely you will want a more healthy choice instead of that Twinkie.
    I know you can do this. Keep your head up and move forward. We are all here cheering you on. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hello All, Happy Thursday!

    Jennifer – Thank you for being such a motivating and supportive member. You are awesome!!!

    Well I didn't perish after last night's Week 5, Day 3 of the couch to 5K which was a 5 minute brisk warm up walk, 20 minute jog with no breaks and then a 5 minute cool down walk. Although I did 10 minute warm up and cool down instead. I actually made it and am unabashedly proud of myself for doing so. Saturday I start on week 6 and I know I can do this since I have unwavering determination to get this weight off and to get fit.

    I hope you all are having a great week and have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself because you are all worth it.


    Way to go with W5D3. I remember that day and boy I did not think I could do it. You are doing an awesome job. I finished W9D2 last nite and I was so excited. I actually found a good breathing pattern and I am running 3 min laps. It just goest to show that we can do anything that we put our minds to. I can say that since I have started this program, I have been slowly but consistantly lossing a pound a week. So keep up the awesome work and watch the pounds melt away. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Datenshi - Congrats on C25K. You're over half way there. I've thought about doing that program. Maybe after my Zumba classes end I'll do it. I'm still pretty intimidated by the whole running thing.

    Believe it or not, it really is an awesome program and I know you can do it. I was the one in High School that refused to run, because my body was not made to run. HAHA Now I am running 30 mins consecutively. I would not ever thought I could do it. It really is an easy program to follow and you start out with intervals that will gradually get you into it. When you get done with Zumba I hope you try it. Have fun in your classes. :bigsmile:
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Start Date July 15 Starting weight: 160
    Week 1 July 22 - 160
    Week 2 July 29 -162 (+ 2)

    Week 3 August 5 - 160
    Week 4 August 12 - 159 (-1)
    Week 5 August 19 - 159 (-0)
    Week 6 August 26 - 158(-1)
    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday - 158 (-0)
    Week 8 September 9 - 159 (+1)
    Week 9 September 16 - on the road
    Week 10 September 23 - on the road
    Week 11 September 30 - 159

    Week 12 October 7 - 159
    Week 13 October 14 -159
    Week 14 October 21 - TOM no weigh in
    Week 15 October 28 - 158

    Week 16 November 4
    Week 17 November 11
    Week 18 November 18
    Week 19 November 25 Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!

    Week 20 December 2
    Week 21 December 9
    Week 22 December 16
    Week 23 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
    Week 23

    Hello everyone! I've been super busy and MIA for a bit but I'm still here! Forgot to weigh in yesterday morning before drinking a huge glass of water so I'll post today. Back down a pound, but I just keep toying with these same couple pounds. I have been experimenting with some different things to break this plateau of all plateaus. I just have to find that sweet spot. I know it will happen, I'm just getting impatient.
    On a good note though, I've increased my running mileage to 9 miles!!! Going for 10 this weekend! :drinker:

    Hope all my Christmas buddies are having a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been super busy and MIA for a bit but I'm still here! Forgot to weigh in yesterday morning before drinking a huge glass of water so I'll post today. Back down a pound, but I just keep toying with these same couple pounds. I have been experimenting with some different things to break this plateau of all plateaus. I just have to find that sweet spot. I know it will happen, I'm just getting impatient.
    On a good note though, I've increased my running mileage to 9 miles!!! Going for 10 this weekend! :drinker:

    Hope all my Christmas buddies are having a great week! :flowerforyou:

    That is fantastic on the 9 miles. I am still working on 3, so you are way far ahead of me. LOL
    Good luck on 10 miles this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hello everyone! I've been super busy and MIA for a bit but I'm still here! Forgot to weigh in yesterday morning before drinking a huge glass of water so I'll post today. Back down a pound, but I just keep toying with these same couple pounds. I have been experimenting with some different things to break this plateau of all plateaus. I just have to find that sweet spot. I know it will happen, I'm just getting impatient.
    On a good note though, I've increased my running mileage to 9 miles!!! Going for 10 this weekend! :drinker:

    Hope all my Christmas buddies are having a great week! :flowerforyou:

    That is fantastic on the 9 miles. I am still working on 3, so you are way far ahead of me. LOL
    Good luck on 10 miles this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend. :bigsmile:

    Thanks! I'm excited! Also, 3 miles is amazing! It took me a long time to be able to run 3 miles, but once I had that base and maintained it for a while, I was able to start adding miles much more easily than the initial 3. Have you run a 5k race yet? I think I hear it calling to you! :wink: :drinker:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there ... just want to say ... I hope everyone is doing okay and I hope you all have an awesome weekend. It's been a long busy week and I'm big time pooped right now ... so ... I'm off to bed ...

  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    That is fantastic on the 9 miles. I am still working on 3, so you are way far ahead of me. LOL
    Good luck on 10 miles this weekend. Have a wonderful weekend. :bigsmile:

    Thanks! I'm excited! Also, 3 miles is amazing! It took me a long time to be able to run 3 miles, but once I had that base and maintained it for a while, I was able to start adding miles much more easily than the initial 3. Have you run a 5k race yet? I think I hear it calling to you! :wink: :drinker:

    I am registered for my first one on November 7. I am really excited about it. I know it will take me approximately 45 mins or maybe a little less. For someone who said that they would never run, here I am. LOL I will let you know how it goes when I am done. Maybe next year sometime I will do a half-marathon. Now that will be the day. LOL :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Hi there ... just want to say ... I hope everyone is doing okay and I hope you all have an awesome weekend. It's been a long busy week and I'm big time pooped right now ... so ... I'm off to bed ...

    It is definetly nice to see your little posts with the pics. It always brightens my day. I hope you also had a good weekend. :bigsmile: