Late Night Cravings... (BAD)



  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    eat dinner late, or break it into 2 meals.
    exercise so you can eat more
    go to bed earlier

    I like these ^^
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Are you actually hungry, or is it like a bored eating?
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    I've heard about not eating after a certain time is bad too. I think there is some truth to that. I think your metabolism slows down at night, but I might be wrong.
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    If I start getting late night munchies, first I stop to think if I'm actually physically hungry, or if it's just restlessness/stress/winding down from a long day making me think of food. If it's the latter, I figure out some way to relieve stress that's NOT eating - talking to the hubby, journaling, cleaning something, etc. If it's actual hunger, I might have a glass of 1% milk to calm that hunger down, and leave it at that. If I'm STILL hungry and it's getting too hard to resist, I make myself go to bed earlier to keep myself from blowing it. Yeah, that cuts into my free time (since the wee hours of the night are the only time I get anything done), but it works.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member

    I've heard about not eating after a certain time is bad too. I think there is some truth to that. I think your metabolism slows down at night, but I might be wrong.

    This is a big myth actually! Meal timing is irrelevant. I eat a ton before bed :D
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Brush your teeth REALLY good! Rinse with really strong mouthwash too. You wont wanna eat anything after that =) I have this problem too.. It sucks because you don't crave healthy stuff at night..
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    Well, I do enjoy gum (fav. Spire Mint). Is lemon water any good?
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    ...I think it's more bored eating...
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    If it is actual hunger, and it usually is, I have some fruit, such as a pear, apple, apricots, and a tub of cottage cheese before bed, as I am one of those people who will not be able to sleep if she is hungry., I have that snack every single night before bed actually. It is part of my routine and has caused no issues.

    If it is boredom, take up some cross stitch or something that will keep your hands busy, or get involved in something online, like this forum or second life or somesuch to divert your attention from food.
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    You're right, I do need to think about weather I'm actually hungry or just bored more often.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I snack late because I crave salt. I will eat anything in sight if it is salted. I'm ready to try hypnotism to beat this horrible habit.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i still say exercise so you can eat more and break your dinner into 2 meals.

    have a salad with protein before bed. simple.
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    Oh, really?
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    lol so true! :)
  • kathyroeder
    1. Go to bed. If you're sleeping, you're not eating.

    2. Definitely do not watch TV at night. Read, call a friend or family member, do chores or a creative project.

    3. Don't buy junk food. Only bring whole food into the house. If you have a craving you might be too lazy to make yourself celery sticks with peanut butter. And even if you do it's better than chips.

    4. Drink water. You need it anyway.
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    Ihave found that usually when I want to snack after dinner it is out of boredom. I am very rarely actually hungry then. I have taken up crochet and that helps keep my hands busy. I might download a crossword puzzle to work or get up and fold a load of laundry. Good luck! Also if the craving is really bad I will make a cup of hot tea with some honey in it. :)
  • emo1234
    emo1234 Posts: 13
    i have this same problem the only very low calorie solution ive found is drinking tea with stevia (non calorie sweetner). ive also found that i only want to eat after dinner when i sit mindlessly in front of the tv... have a shower brush your teeth and read a book with a cup of tea instead. this is what helps me from raiding the fridge constantly for a sugar fix.
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    I do enjoy word searches. I'm gonna have a book of those soon. Maybe that will help.
  • frenzytime517
    frenzytime517 Posts: 61 Member

    Well, I don't like tea and I don't have any books to read...