Pregnancy Weight

I haven't been on here since last year. I became pregnant shortly after joining. I managed to keep my weight gain during my pregnancy to 20 lbs. I lost all of that within the first 6 weeks of having my daughter (in April '09). I chose to breastfeed so that helped me lose 20 more lbs. However, I have gained about 5 lbs of it back since I have stopped breastfeeding exclusively and no longer burn that extra 500 calories a day. So I have realized it's time to get back on track. My daughter is 6 months old, and I won't be breastfeeding at all before long. I need to get back to good eating habits and exercising regularly. I have 20-25 more lbs until I reach my goal weight, and I know that I can do it. I just need the mindset I have had the past year, and I can do it. If I can lose the last 40 lbs, I can lose the next 25 lbs through good diet and exercise.


  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    Welcome back. I'm sure you can do this. You've done it before so you know where to start.
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    I know how you feel. I breast feed exclusively for a year and I lost all my pregnancy weight. Now that I stopped I have to tell myself that I do not have that extra burn so i can not eat this or that. It is just retraining yourself to eat right. Its gonna get easy. What I did was no eating after 8pm, keep granola bars handy incase i get those snack attack and end up eating the kids cookies n cheetos, i keept up the water drinking like i was brst feeding (it helps lose the weight faster, gets you fuller, and stay hydrated), i cook at home so i know what i am putting in my mouth. you can do it, i know you can.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Congrats on the baby and the weightloss.

    I had a similar situation in that after 3 weeks of breastfeeding I had lost all of my baby weight then I just stopped losing. After about 7 months I decided to do something about it. I started just walking, but that did not do much so then I started Slim in 6 and lost 4 pounds. Now I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme and have lost an additional 10.5 pounds so far.

    So you can do this. Hang in there, find the workout program that works for you and just eat healthy. It is hard sometimes to stay healthy with the snacks when my son is munching on cheerios and gold fish, but I stay strong (most of the time).

    Good luck.
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