Bad Trainers

The gym I belong to is in a college town and of the 24 hour (key access/security camera) variety. The owners are rarely ever there and most of the time whichever personal trainer has a client is the one "working." All of the trainers at my gym are great, very friendly and knowledgeable.. except one. This guy eats fast food and totes around a 2-liter of Dr. Pepper while walking the floor. Every day.

Maybe he's enjoying the off-season. Maybe he's bulking. Maybe he has a cheat meal everyday for a month. In any event, he's not in great physical condition and the majority of his clients are elderly. While "training" them he is constantly on his phone and barely paying attention. I never cared at first, but now it's really starting to bother me. Someone could get hurt if he's checking his email while Mrs. Rogers is trying to beat her 1-rep max in the squat rack. (Obviously kidding.)

Has anyone else had a bad experience with with a trainer?


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My first trainer sucked. Never took notes on anything, threw my back out multiple times, and all around didn't care. He was just there for the money and nothing else.

    Makes me very appreciative of the trainer I have now. He watches me like a hawk, makes sure my form is perfect, and wouldn't let me do anything he wouldn't do/hasn't tried himself.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I had a great trainer, he's since left. There's only really one trainer at my gym right now and I wouldn't recommend him to anyone. I've also seen some great trainers on here, with a tremendous willingness to help out and give great advice and I've seen some aweful trainers on here who act like complete douche canoe's. Just like in all other aspects of life, there's always a couple of bad apples in the bunch.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I had a trainer that did the cell phone talking too. This was a private gym. I quickly dropped him. I find that unacceptable. He would also have someone else start our sessions at times and then he would take over later. He didn't inform me that would be the case when I started. In total I maybe went a total of five times and moved on. But I see trainers all the time at a big name gym I go to that I would never pay to train me. In my experience most trainers at this particular chain gym seem to just follow a cookie cutter routine and their prices are outrageous. From what I've seen there are one or two at each location I've been to that I would pay. But, again, with their prices I think most private gyms offer better packages and payment plans.
  • I am a trainer.. I work passionately with people, and sometimes care about their results more than they do. I appreciate this topic because I work with a Horrible trainer. The problem isn't a lack of attention though... It's a lack of results. This trainer has had several clients of both genders and all ages, with different goals. Yet, this trainer puts every client on the same workout with the same pace every day. This trainer has had some clients for 6 years, and they are in the same if not worse shape than when they started. The problem with the industry is that often times, the people who can afford personal training.... often can afford it because their only priority is making money... and image enhancement. Apparently they feel that paying a trainer is only for the benefit of everybody else seeing that you can pay a trainer. It's very frustrating because it gives the gym a bad name in the eyes of people who want to get in shape. All I can do is be the best example I can be.