Random topic, but It bothers me..

bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
to see my parents eat fast food everyday. For this reason I became overweight as a young child & now they bring fast food to my 2yr old ugh!!! I keep telling them not to buy him fast food, but they just won't listen or they just don't get the point!!! They think I'm crazy for "dieting" him at such a young age...ummm..no all I'm doing for my little boy is creating a healthy lifestyle with fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats. As his snacks I will give him graham crackers or animal crackers (nothing too sugary). I'm I wrong for this?? I just don't want him to grow up like I did (being made fun off all the time for being "fat"). :(


  • GnochhiGnomes
    GnochhiGnomes Posts: 348 Member
    Why can't you stop them from giving fast-food to your son?
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    Why can't you stop them from giving fast-food to your son?
    I have told them to do so & they'll even sit down & eat with him it really bothers me..when they just drop it off ( I usually trash it or give it to the dog) :(
  • curvyvegan
    curvyvegan Posts: 80 Member
    At age 2 you are definitely right to be feeding him healthy food and limiting unhealthy food! That is the age when their taste preferences are being strongly developed. The eating habits he gets now will stick with him as he grows older.

    Honestly, I wouldn't let them bring him fast food. Let them know that you are in charge of what he eats. And it's not "dieting" him. Most parents try to make healthy choices for their kids, you aren't unusual at all in that regard!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    My kids were brought up thinking that McDs is pure evil......there's nothing wrong with instilling good nutritional habits from a young age. Your parents should respect your wishes plain and simple.

    I wish more parents would do this with their kids, it bothers me to know that the current generation of kids are predicted to be the first with a shorter life expectancy than their parents.
  • NoSpandex
    You are totally right. And also, I hope you never make him finish his plate when he is full. Being raised on healthy food and reasonable portion sizes is the best gift you can give him.
  • gracia124
    gracia124 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't have kids, so I probably don't have as much insight as other MFP members. I think your concerns are completely understandable. I played soccer as a young child and afterwards my parents would take me to McDonalds. No wonder I was a chunky kid. Eating habits and cravings start at childhood.

    Perhaps you can sit your parents down and have a serious (non-judgmental) conversation with them. Tell them gently but firmly that they cannot bring your son fast food. No, he's not "dieting" - you're trying to give him the proper nutrition. If they can't follow your request, you might have to limit grandparent time to outside of meal times until they understand that you are serious.
  • bgtorres
    bgtorres Posts: 186 Member
    It is so true that as a parent I'm in charge, I have also caught my mother-in-law giving him soda..I always get pissed off & take that crap away from him ( and tell him you don't drink soda), if anything sweet I will give him juice diluted with water, but as a must I always try giving him water first than anything else. My best friends has 3 little boys ages 3, 4, 5 & they all are overweight by like 20 plus pounds, she always gets in trouble at the Dr.'s office. I don't want that to be me...EVER!!!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    to see my parents eat fast food everyday. For this reason I became overweight as a young child & now they bring fast food to my 2yr old ugh!!! I keep telling them not to buy him fast food, but they just won't or they just don't get the point!!! They think I'm crazy for "dieting" him at such a young age...ummm..no all I'm doing for my little boy is creating a healthy lifestyle with fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats. As his snacks I will give him graham crackers or animal crackers (nothing too sugary). I'm I wrong for this?? I just don't want him to grow up like I did (being made fun off all the time for being "fat"). :(

    I don't think you're wrong--BUT i think you should let him have it every once in awhile. I say this because people want what they can't have. If you restrict it completely, he'll eat more of it when he gets the chance. Counterintuitive. Let him have it every so often so he knows its ok--in moderation. Other than that, great job teaching healthy habits!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Why can't you stop them from giving fast-food to your son?
    I have told them to do so & they'll even sit down & eat with him it really bothers me..when they just drop it off ( I usually trash it or give it to the dog) :(

    I wouldn't even give it to the dog-trash is where it belongs!
  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    to see my parents eat fast food everyday. For this reason I became overweight as a young child & now they bring fast food to my 2yr old ugh!!! I keep telling them not to buy him fast food, but they just won't or they just don't get the point!!! They think I'm crazy for "dieting" him at such a young age...ummm..no all I'm doing for my little boy is creating a healthy lifestyle with fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats. As his snacks I will give him graham crackers or animal crackers (nothing too sugary). I'm I wrong for this?? I just don't want him to grow up like I did (being made fun off all the time for being "fat"). :(

    I don't think you're wrong--BUT i think you should let him have it every once in awhile. I say this because people want what they can't have. If you restrict it completely, he'll eat more of it when he gets the chance. Counterintuitive. Let him have it every so often so he knows its ok--in moderation. Other than that, great job teaching healthy habits!

    I agree with this, but I also think your parents should follow your wishes. We let our kids eat fast food occasionally, but it's mostly whole, healthy foods and they are not overweight at all. They are also very active in sports. You need to let them know that they are wasting their money and that you will most likely throw it away if they show up with it. Maybe that will stop them.
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Here is my thought. I am a grandparent. Mind you I don't eat much fast food as you could probably guess since I am on MFP.
    Here is the tricky part, I have always fed my children well, protein, veggies, fruits etc etc etc. I now also feed my grandchildren well when they are over, they eat broccoli (they ask for broccoli!!), and all other veggies, fruits up the galore. I feed them good meals, not junk.
    BUT every once in a while (just like myself) I let them have something "bad".
    So when you have your children (mom and dad aren't around), feed them well. I am thinking mom and dad are not bringing them fast food EVERYDAY, right? I am thinking you feed your children well, teach them that healthy food is good tasting and good for you.

    I hope people don't beat me up here, but we were all kids, I admit I like McDonalds French Fries. But I don't eat them everyday.
    Don't we talk about moderation. I haven't had those fries in over six months, but you can bet your bottom dollar, I will have them some day in my future.

    So, talk to mom and dad and tell them Moderation, Not everytime they come over.
    I hope I don't rub anyone the wrong way with this post. :frown:
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    I understand not wanting your children to eat fast food for every meal of the day. However I am not sure french fries are worse than a graham cracker.

    Nutritional content of random brand of honey grahams from my cupboard:

    Serving size 2 sheets or 8 crackers (31 G)
    Calories 130
    Total fat 3g
    Saturated fat 1g
    cholesterol 0
    Sodium 190mg
    Total Carbs 24
    Fiber 1g
    Sugar 8g
    Protein 2g

    McDonalds French Fries, small (71g)
    Calories 224
    Fat 11g
    Saturated fat 1g
    Cholesterol 0
    Sodium 161g
    Total carbs 28g
    Fiber 3g
    Sugar 0
    Protein 3g

    If you calculate the per gram calorie content of the graham cracker, 4.19 calories per g.
    Per gram calorie content of french fries, 3.15 calories per g

    More fiber and protein in the fries, Less sodium and no sugar.
  • amillerwvu
    amillerwvu Posts: 54 Member
    to see my parents eat fast food everyday. For this reason I became overweight as a young child & now they bring fast food to my 2yr old ugh!!! I keep telling them not to buy him fast food, but they just won't or they just don't get the point!!! They think I'm crazy for "dieting" him at such a young age...ummm..no all I'm doing for my little boy is creating a healthy lifestyle with fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats. As his snacks I will give him graham crackers or animal crackers (nothing too sugary). I'm I wrong for this?? I just don't want him to grow up like I did (being made fun off all the time for being "fat"). :(

    I don't think you're wrong--BUT i think you should let him have it every once in awhile. I say this because people want what they can't have. If you restrict it completely, he'll eat more of it when he gets the chance. Counterintuitive. Let him have it every so often so he knows its ok--in moderation. Other than that, great job teaching healthy habits!

    I agree with the post above... My mom allowed us NO junk food. We were never taught moderation. When we were around it, we didn't know how to stop. NO soda, NO chips, NO candy. She'd hide it, and if we found it and ate any, we were in BIG trouble.

    I try to teach my son the best I can, giving him all the options. I feel that by not allowing some "unhealthy" snacks, it attributed (partly) to my obesity and to my sister's bulimia.
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    As a mother of two boys I, like you, am trying to instill good eating habits in my children. I would try and comprimise with your parents, explain it is not about a 'slimming' diet, but a healthy way of eating. Lots of people react badly to the word 'diet'. But, suggest that they can treat him to 'junk food' once a fortnight if they would like to - special grandparent - grandchild time. they can't do that much damage once a fortnight, it will get them off your back and you avaid the 'I can't have it so I want it' mentality for your boy.
    Good luck - families can be sooooo difficult
  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    to see my parents eat fast food everyday. For this reason I became overweight as a young child & now they bring fast food to my 2yr old ugh!!! I keep telling them not to buy him fast food, but they just won't or they just don't get the point!!! They think I'm crazy for "dieting" him at such a young age...ummm..no all I'm doing for my little boy is creating a healthy lifestyle with fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats. As his snacks I will give him graham crackers or animal crackers (nothing too sugary). I'm I wrong for this?? I just don't want him to grow up like I did (being made fun off all the time for being "fat"). :(

    I don't think you're wrong--BUT i think you should let him have it every once in awhile. I say this because people want what they can't have. If you restrict it completely, he'll eat more of it when he gets the chance. Counterintuitive. Let him have it every so often so he knows its ok--in moderation. Other than that, great job teaching healthy habits!

    I agree with this, but I also think your parents should follow your wishes. We let our kids eat fast food occasionally, but it's mostly whole, healthy foods and they are not overweight at all. They are also very active in sports. You need to let them know that they are wasting their money and that you will most likely throw it away if they show up with it. Maybe that will stop them.

    I agree with this entirely. And also, let your parents know, that if they'd like to pick up food, to try places like Panera where they can get healthy quick food. Some people genuinely do not understand that soda and fast food are not good.
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    I have similar issues with my mother. I am greatful she looks after my daughter while I am at work 2 days a week during the school breaks. However everything she cooks is fried. I have been using this site for over a month now and have made many changes for myself and my daughter as I dont want her to grow up being overweight as I have. The past few years I havent done so well and my daughter is overweight but we are getting there and we are both slowly making progress.
    Keep telling them NO and maybe one day it will sink in. Totally agree with the soda too, it is banned from my home.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Yes, you have good habits there!
    Yes, you can definitely tell them to ABSOLUTELY respect you on this.
    You can do this with a respectfully kind attitude, but hold your ground.

    My children all know that fast food is not best. However, upon rare occasion, we eat it too. It's pretty rare.
    We try to plan ahead and eat before going someplace, or take something and stop to eat it tailgate style, etc...
  • xarge
    xarge Posts: 484 Member
    I don't think you're wrong--BUT i think you should let him have it every once in awhile. I say this because people want what they can't have. If you restrict it completely, he'll eat more of it when he gets the chance. Counterintuitive. Let him have it every so often so he knows its ok--in moderation. Other than that, great job teaching healthy habits!

    I disagree, I grew up on healthy food and until 11 I didn't eat any fast food. Every time I wanted to have some, my mom sat patiently and explained how it wasn't good for me. She cooked healthy alternatives like meatballs and rice, a beef sandwich etc. After 11, I never craved for fast food but occasionally had it like once a month. I doubt I was the most reasonable kid ever. At those ages most kids do not understand the concept of moderation as well as you think.
  • patfyfe
    patfyfe Posts: 17
    The odd 'treat' of unhealthy food is not going to hurt him, just so long as you can get this through to your parents. Tell them that you will allow it on your terms, i.e. once a week/fortnight, whatever suits you and then they will be happy. Banning altogether may make your son think that it is 'naughty' and we all know that children very often want to do what is 'naughty'. Can you also tell them what they may bring, i.e. chocolate is not so bad in small pieces. When we are trying to lose weight it is always the food that we deny ourselves that we want to eat so don't deny it completely. Maybe this tactic will work rather than saying none at all.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    You are most definitely not wrong for being concerned about your parents and for doing the best that you can for your child. I feel that you have a right to politely refuse fast food being brought to him by them but I understand that that could be really hard. Having it on the odd occasion won't harm him, I'm sure, but once he gets a regular taste for that high fat, tasteless, high sodium food it could affect his palate thus resulting in him not wanting to eat the healthy food that you offer. Stand firm on this issue but do it with love. Good luck xxx