Lay it on me! I'm stuck - what should I do?

First stats:
SW 236.6 (255 the day I had my baby 10 months ago)
CW 217
GW 150
Measurements are the same as they were 3wks ago.

I am doing 5x5 StongLifts and elliptical for 1.5/2 miles (200 calories) 3 days a week. I've increased my lifts by about 40% in about 3 months.
I eat between 1,200 and 1,500 a day - depending on how I feel that day. I typically don't eat my exercise calories. I usually skip logging a bit on the weekends but I'm a calorie counting expert (I was ordained online) and I know how much I'm eating/drinking. For instance, on Saturday I drank a bunch of beer but loaded with protein on Fri/Sat and the scale stayed the same from Friday to Monday. Which brings me to the freakin number that won't budge.

I've been stuck at 217 for a few months now - WTF should I do now? I keep thinking I need to burn more using cardio before bulking up muscle. I'm sure that doesn't make sense (Mehdi would kick my *kitten* if he knew I said that). My diary is open so feel free to judge me and circle my cellulite with a sharpie.


  • SuzyLy
    SuzyLy Posts: 133 Member
    I noticed you tend to have high sodium intakes on a regular basis? Maybe this is holding water?
  • vidchick73
    vidchick73 Posts: 27 Member
    I can't provide any personal testimony because I just started my weight loss journey, but I was just at a seminar last night that is part of my medical weight loss program and one thing stood out to me. The certified exercise physiologists stated that if you have been steady for a few weeks, it's time to mix up the exercise routine. They strongly recommend the following:

    Cardio & strength training, each 2-3 days a week, on alternating days. Your muscles need a day to recover from the strength training and the cardio will keep the blood flowing to those freshly exercised muscles this helping with any soreness.

    All that to say maybe move the weights to their own day, elliptical to another, and always stretch after.

    Good luck and keep us posted!
  • Personal opinion:

    1. Log everything, even on the weekends. You may think you know what is going into your body, but until you actually see it it may not hit you how much you are overeating.
    2. Portion control is your friend. You mentioned having many beers, why not just one? Or switching to something better for you, like red wine?
    3. No water is being logged. If you are drinking but not logging, log it. If you are not getting your 8 glasses a day it can make a difference. I saw some of my biggest weight loses after I up my drinking to 10+ glasses of water a day.
    4. Sodium is insane. It is my biggest struggle to control it too, but 4,000+ mg is not helping you. Drinking more water if you are not drinking it will help.
    5. More fruits and veggies. Too many crackers and popcorn.
    6. Your protein is set very high but you don't come close to meeting it. I doubt you need as much as you have listed, but it should be the one to meet or beat any given day, not the fat or carbs.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    In looking over your diary, there are a lot of processed foods on there. Have you considered trying to eat more whole, less processed, packaged foods.

    I've lost weight one way, with lose... plateau... lose pattern. I did it by dropping to low calories, not exercising during those 2 week periods and going back to normal calories, exercising to get fit, then going 3-4 months later back to exercise pattern. It's worked for me, I felt like I was working really really hard for 2-3 weeks, then stabilizing with exercise.

    On my lower calorie cycles, I did 2 protein shakes a day, no snacks, and a regular meal. I drink a lot of water. I also don't do pre-packages meals, I make everything from scratch. I plan it out on Sunday, make ahead what i need to make and then have it already good to go.

    I'm your same height, I was 165 starting weight and 120 now. I went from size 12/14 to a 0/2. It can be done. It took me over 2 years to get where I am now, don't give up.

    I read the book Fat Flush Plan and it was such an eye opener as to how a woman's body reacts to weight, what we do with it, our hormone connection etc.

    Keep working you can do this!
  • Having just started really getting into it. I can tell you what my Personal Trainer told me, mix it up. Try jogging on the treadmill, or doing laps in the pool.... and then the next day, do your weights/ strength training...
  • Mrsfreedom41
    Mrsfreedom41 Posts: 330 Member
    I'm 5'4" , 70 years old and when I started MFP in Aug. 2011 I weighd in at 188 lbs. I am now down to 166lbs. and have had a few plateaus along the way. I try not to eat processed foods or to many low calorie packaged meals and I have forced myself to drink more liquid during the day. A protein shake for lunch along with some fruit would be good for you. Use almond unsweetened milk which I really like in my protein shakes. I mix in some fruit to help with the fruit intake. Others use spinach in theirs but I don't like it so don't use it.... Exercise is also a key to helping weight loss, I don't do as much as I should, but try to get in some bicycle riding each day although it is only 20 to 25 minutes. Lower back pain is a killer for me but the bicycle riding seems to be helping some. Don't give up, change up your meals some, and keep going. Eventually the weight will start to come off. Good Luck to you in your journey and keep us posted on your progress.......I was off MFP for a while this past winter so that is why my weight loss doesn't show on the scale.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    More water (log it all)
    More protein (1g per lean body mass)
    Less sodium

    Try that for a couple weeks.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    When I plateaued it was because I was netting too low. I reduced cardio a bit and upped my calories a bit (100-150 a day) You could try that and see if it works. It started the weight loss again...It's been about 6 weeks and this week I'm upping the cardio again and it seems to still be working. Next plateau I'll probably up another 100-150.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Pretty much what everyone else said -

    way too much sodium - eat less processed foods, eat more fruits and veggies, and I like cheese too...but ease up a bit on it try some yogurt instead.

    LOG EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Every single bite, every single beer(S). Take it from me...I was laxed on the weekends too when I first started, thinking I had it in control and perspective. LOL...not. Trust me LOG EVERYTHING

    And what does 'I loaded up on protein before the beers' mean? Protein does not cancel out beer. I wish it did!
  • arock1000
    arock1000 Posts: 61 Member
    Thank you all!!!
    I was pretty sure that's what everyone was going to say - I just needed to hear it.
    Lower sodium
    More water
    More protein

    I think my problem is that when I'm tired my brain says "carbs please" and along with it comes the sodium. I started out with just one salty/carby snack a day and it just ramped up from there. I also avoided cheese for awhile but that snuck back in too. Sneaky cheese!

    Thanks again! Time to reevaluate my eating.
  • ponyfan81
    ponyfan81 Posts: 24 Member
    It's not the sodium or anything're not eating enough and your metabolism has slowed down. I know you probably don't think this is true but if you eat 75% of your exercise calories back for 2 weeks I can practically guarantee you'll start losing again with your routine.

    Try all the other stuff first if you want, but in the end this will be the long-term answer.

    If you can afford it do yourself a favor and get a will help you avoid this problem and illustrate the proper number of calories you need to eat per day to lose effectively.
  • arock1000
    arock1000 Posts: 61 Member
    It's not the sodium or anything're not eating enough and your metabolism has slowed down. I know you probably don't think this is true but if you eat 75% of your exercise calories back for 2 weeks I can practically guarantee you'll start losing again with your routine.

    Try all the other stuff first if you want, but in the end this will be the long-term answer.

    If you can afford it do yourself a favor and get a will help you avoid this problem and illustrate the proper number of calories you need to eat per day to lose effectively.

    Eating more sounds a lot more fun than that other stuff!
    I was thinking about a fitbit - do you have to pay monthly membership?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    definitely try everything that's been suggested and if that doesnt help, try going 1-2 weeks eating at your maintenance

    good luck!
  • frhenderson
    frhenderson Posts: 32 Member
    One more suggestion. I know that not everyone agrees that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but if you are willing to mix things up it would be good to try adding in breakfast regularly. It looked to me like you are not spreading out your calories and that can impact energy level and calorie burn through the day.
  • aamberrr
    aamberrr Posts: 115 Member

    I think my problem is that when I'm tired my brain says "carbs please"

    I used to be the same exact way, but honestly, now that I make sure I eat protein at every single meal and snack, I rarely get carb cravings. Most of my carbs listed on my macronutrients each day on MFP come from fruits and veggies. I usually eat 2-3 servings tops of some type of whole-wheat carb throughout the day and I'm satisfied. Btw, this is coming from someone who used to mainly eat carbs... I loved them so much, but now that I'm away from them, I crave them much less.

    Also, I agree with what everyone else said, but one thing that wasn't mentioned, and I thought of it while reading what I quoted above, is make sure you are getting enough sleep. Your body uses that time while you're asleep to repair muscle tissue. I've been lifting for awhile now, and my fiance always tells me if you're not sleeping enough or eating enough you might as well skip the gym.

    Good luck!
  • JennyZD
    JennyZD Posts: 176 Member
    Eat more!! More lean proteins please, lower the sodium, and I think your carbs macros are fine, just make sure to stick to good carbs. Your body needs more calories, especially if you're lifting weights. Your muscles need that protein to replenish those shredded muscles :) Drink lots of water too and stay away from the scale for a week or two, you'll be surprised :)
  • hooperkay
    hooperkay Posts: 463 Member
    Personal opinion:

    1. Log everything, even on the weekends. You may think you know what is going into your body, but until you actually see it it may not hit you how much you are overeating.
    2. Portion control is your friend. You mentioned having many beers, why not just one? Or switching to something better for you, like red wine?
    3. No water is being logged. If you are drinking but not logging, log it. If you are not getting your 8 glasses a day it can make a difference. I saw some of my biggest weight loses after I up my drinking to 10+ glasses of water a day.
    4. Sodium is insane. It is my biggest struggle to control it too, but 4,000+ mg is not helping you. Drinking more water if you are not drinking it will help.
    5. More fruits and veggies. Too many crackers and popcorn.
    6. Your protein is set very high but you don't come close to meeting it. I doubt you need as much as you have listed, but it should be the one to meet or beat any given day, not the fat or carbs.

    Fat intake is high too. Change to a more fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains (less white), and definately water. I lost 6lbs in two weeks just from quiting Coke Zero and switching to water. I only have an unsweet tea with dinner if I have drank my 8 glasses of water. I do agree with above that your protein is too high. Too much can make you gain too. Only increase protein on workout days.
    I would log every day. If I could keep up with calories in my head then I would have never gotten fat in the first place. Placn your day ahead of time so that you can be within your goals.. Give it two weeks or so. No beer, low fat, low carb, low salt, and only water. I bet you lose 3+lbs a week. Give it a try.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    It's not the sodium or anything're not eating enough and your metabolism has slowed down. I know you probably don't think this is true but if you eat 75% of your exercise calories back for 2 weeks I can practically guarantee you'll start losing again with your routine.

    Try all the other stuff first if you want, but in the end this will be the long-term answer.

    If you can afford it do yourself a favor and get a will help you avoid this problem and illustrate the proper number of calories you need to eat per day to lose effectively.

    Eating more sounds a lot more fun than that other stuff!
    I was thinking about a fitbit - do you have to pay monthly membership?

    I have lost 11 lbs in the 2 months since I got a fitbit. There is no monthly membership fee for the basic website. If you want to see more in depth graphs, etc, then you have to pay $50 a year...but I can do everything I need without it.

    For the first little bit, I logged my treadmill time, etc, but the last month or so, I just take what fitbit gives me. I still get like a 500-700+ calorie adjustment on my active days ( I am set as sedentary here on MFP)
  • ponyfan81
    ponyfan81 Posts: 24 Member
    It's not the sodium or anything're not eating enough and your metabolism has slowed down. I know you probably don't think this is true but if you eat 75% of your exercise calories back for 2 weeks I can practically guarantee you'll start losing again with your routine.

    Try all the other stuff first if you want, but in the end this will be the long-term answer.

    If you can afford it do yourself a favor and get a will help you avoid this problem and illustrate the proper number of calories you need to eat per day to lose effectively.

    Eating more sounds a lot more fun than that other stuff!
    I was thinking about a fitbit - do you have to pay monthly membership?

    No ongoing fees, just the $99 (or so) initial cost.

    I was previously set to sedentary on MFP (like most, I think) but quickly realized that I should be at ACTIVE based on my burn per day....and I have a desk job with a 45 min commute both ways.

    You probably are burning far more calories than you think and are simply not giving your body enough fuel. I've been VERY happy with my purchase and I believe you will be as well. As you can see below I am down 60+ lbs in about 8 months, so things have gone just fine eating at a 1,000 calorie deficit per day (about to go to -750 since I'm only about 25 lb off).

    Also - just as a response to all of those saying "no diet soda" or no this or least 20%-30% of what I eat consists of the following:

    Diet Soda
    Coffee with Spenda and cream
    Ice Cream
    Hot Dogs
    Homemade Cheeseburgers (1/3 lb grass fed with a slice of cheddar...awesome)

    I eat them in moderation, of course, and try not to exceed 4,000g of sodium more than 1-2 times per week. I also drink a lot of water and run 3-4 miles 2-3 times a week.

    You can eat what you like, just make sure you eat it in moderation - meaning not too much and not too little.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I live by the rule -

    Eat like a king at breakfast
    a prince at lunch
    and a pauper for dinner

    Start bigger and wean down, it works well for me.