Support to sustain weight lost / lifestyle change

I’m not new to dieting and exercise, but looking for something new to actually sustain a lifestyle / not regain weight and am willing to give the community aspect of this site a try. *insert goofy grin and retarded accent* Will you be my friend?

I say I’m not new to dieting and exercise since starting in high school I’ve been losing and regaining the same 25-50 lbs every year. One day, repeatedly, I decide I’m *shocked* by the number on the scale or get fed up with the fact I’m down to only one moo-moo dress in my closet that fits and jump on the bandwagon… loose a bunch of weight and look and feel great… then get bored and stop paying attention and life gets in the way and somewhere 10lbs above last time, one day, repeatedly, I decided I’m “shocked”… hehe… he… *sad laughter fades away*

I’m a poster child for overeaters anonymous. Friends are impressed with how much food I can put away at a buffet. If they could see how much food I can put away at midnight in a bathrobe standing in my pantry… well… a sane would probably be disgusted. I am generally disgusted with myself after the binge portion of this cycle.
I have three girls, a while back I caught the 9 year old eating straight out of the ice cream container in the garage at 11PM with the lights off. Huh.

My husband is the exact opposite of me, when he *gets bored and stops paying attention and life gets in the way* he looses 30 lbs on accident. I swear he can go 3 days and it just never occurs to him to eat anything unless he is reminded or it is handed to him, needless to say his weight loss advice and support is frequently less than supportive or helpful though he means well.

The plan: A moderately low carb/low calorie/high protein diet with more frequent smaller meals containing lots of minimally processed veggies/fruits/grains, and doing something for exercise every day. In other words, I shouldn’t eat my secret Arby’s meal of two large curly fries and a large jamoca shake in my car on the way home from work and put the garbage in the neighbor’s can to hide the evidence and then go in my house and eat dinner.

I know a lot, and I know better, and I know what I ought and need to do, but knowing and doing are miles apart. I work in the health care field, (I will not say what I do, do not take my musings as medical advice, seek your own professional support if you need it, do not sue me as my malpractice insurance can’t handle it, but I am willing to give my *unprofessional* advice if anyone has questions) so I well know the poor long term consequences of my current behavior, and am looking for a method to sustain a lifestyle change. Entiendo? :smile: