Insanity Workout

Hi there-

I bought the insanity workout DVD's and was hoping to hear from people that are doing it or have done it. I started it a few months ago and got really sick so I stopped. Trying to get motivated to get back into it as I've heard of people getting really good results! Any tips or is anyone thinking of starting it soon?


  • I do Insanity! I did the 60 day challenge this time last year, but I continue to do the workouts a few days a week. It's hard, but it's SO worth it!
  • I have been doing it for 5 weeks now and it says to go at your own pace, so maybe next time do not try and follow the pace of Shawn T. but your own, invest in a heart rate monitor so you can check your heart while doing the workout and maintain a healthy HR for your age.

  • Like you, I bought p90x but have yet to start. Maybe we can buddy up and hold each other accountable??
  • I have it, but have never done it. I need to start! :)
  • robinlynn8
    robinlynn8 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm thinking of starting it this Monday... If anyone else (Saturnsmouse, Blondie!) is starting this or another program, I'd love to keep in touch... my problem is losing the motivation to keep going. Maybe if I'm checking in here I'll be more motivated to do it! I suppose it is not the worst thing to have an addiction to (madroch)- has it helped you with weight loss or more toning results? What kinds of results have you had (laurenaphelps?)
  • Fit_SailorsWife
    Fit_SailorsWife Posts: 128 Member
    I'm on my 10th day and I'm already getting great results! I started on a Monday so I can have Sundays off :)
  • lucky1304
    lucky1304 Posts: 57 Member
    I've toyed with buying the DVDs but am curious about whether it's possible to combine that program with four or five days a week of running? I'm usually following a training plan of some sort or another, and it seems like it's pretty much this program (Insanity, p90X, etc.) with no time for anything else?
  • ItsGoodToHaveGoals
    ItsGoodToHaveGoals Posts: 58 Member
    I have it and do it mixed in w/ the gym because it is pretty intense & I have a health issue that I adapt the videos to. I need the accountibility.
    If you're looking for support/motivation I'm interested, let me know.
  • I've toyed with buying the DVDs but am curious about whether it's possible to combine that program with four or five days a week of running? I'm usually following a training plan of some sort or another, and it seems like it's pretty much this program (Insanity, p90X, etc.) with no time for anything else?

    I have been doing this program in combination of strength training and soccer training. To answer your question, it is very possible. :smile: It will make you stronger and faster.

  • nskerr
    nskerr Posts: 91
    My co-worker is lending me his P90X and Insanity. He has done both. He said Insanity is more aerobic while P90X has more weight training. I am scared to start but hopefully I will get moving on it next week. I am going with Insanity first. He also mentioned get a heart monitor which I did.
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    I'm doing supreme 90, on day 25! So add me if u like we can motivate each other =} good luck
  • xdieselx
    xdieselx Posts: 64 Member
    I finished my first round of insanity a couple of weeks ago and got great results from it. It is indeed very hard so its normal that you might have been sick as if you went from doing nothing to starting on insanity, it might be too much of a step for your body to adapt. When i tried insanity, i was sedentary for over 6 months and it was way too hard so i got myself back in shape for 2 months by doing light stuff (swimming, running, climbing stairs intervals, kenpox from p90x, etc) and then i started insanity.

    It was still very hard but if you will adapt as you do it. You will probably suck the few days and not be able to do all the moves but just do what you can and you will see improvements. It's worth it to stick to it even if you struggle, hell just look at the people in the videos, they all have great bodies and they have to take breaks as well and some of them have a hard time! So if they have a hard time, imagine how we will :P

    Stick to the nutrition guide, eat enough calories to make sure you have enough fuel to do the exercises, do what you can (example, if you have to do a move for 45 seconds and after 30 seconds you just cant do it anymore, just let the video play and wait out the remaining 15 seconds and then move on with the other move instead of pausing - thats what i did), if you really need a break, take a break, dont check too much your weight but check the inches, i lost 2 pants size even though i only lost 12.5 lbs total while doing insanity and my appeareance changed a lot. (you gain some muscle as well which is why the weight changes dont show that much). You will definitely see an improvement on your cardio as its so intense, you will be exhausted quick but you will recover VERY quickly.

    It's definitely worth it but as Shaun T says, you got to dig deeper! :) Good luck!
  • I had great results! My cardio power increased tremendously! My whole body was more toned and I had rockin abs! I hate to say, the abs fade if you don't keep with it. But I love Insanity! I'm sore from doing it yesterday!

    It's definitely a challenge! I took the Beachbody Results and Recovery drink through the second month. I think that's the only way I survived!
  • I am doing Insanity and love it. I just got done week 1 and already my daughter and I are starting to see results. We both decided we weren't going to touch the scale after the initial weigh in though until the end of program. The first 3 days were the hardest. Things hurt and I walked like I rode a horse for 3 days nonstop, LOL! However to push through that feels awesome and it is addictive. I am looking forward to further results. If you are willing to reciprocate encouragement and don't mind honesty, go ahead and add me as a friend if you like. Staying accountable can help you keep focus :)