Slim In 6?

emmapasse Posts: 23
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I did have a quick look for a thread talking about this but I can't seem to find one! Anywho, is anyone else doing the Slim In 6 workouts? I started the workout on Sunday and I'm interested to see how much it helps over the next few weeks.

Has anyone already done this? And if so, what kind of results did you get?


  • I lost most of my 50 pounds doing this program. It took me longer than the 6 weeks to accomplish that . . . It is three progressively harder workouts doing similar moves. I had to do each of the three workouts longer, I did not move on until I was able to do all of the moves in a workout without feeling like I was going to die at the end. I did this workout and the abs DVD 6 days a week. I saw the weight come off 1 - 2 pounds a week. I highly recommend Slim in 6.
  • Awesome! Thanks so much! I do the Slim in 6 workout once a day (sometimes twice if I feel like I need it). At the moment, I've only completed the full 25 minutes of it once, the rest of the time I can manage about 20 minutes. Hopefully by the end of this week that will change though. I am definitely enjoying it!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good luck with Slim in 6. I got four weeks through the program and couldn't stand doing it anymore because I was doing nothing but gaining weight! I found that the Jillian Michaels videos are much shorter and burn WAY more calories!
  • I was thinking of switching it up between Slim in 6 and the 30 day shred, maybe if I keep it interesting I won't hit the weight loss wall.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I definitely recommend switching it up, especially when you get annoyed with Debbie. Seriously, though Debbie's 1 hour long Burn DVD burns the same amount of calories as Jillian's 40 minute DVDs. Whatever you end up doing, though, I highly recommend using Slim & Limber after any workout because it's the best stretching routine I've ever come across.
  • I haven't heard of the Slim and Limber. I'll have to do a little research.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Slim and Limber should have been included in your Slim in 6 set. On mine, it's on the same DVD as Start it Up and then again on the Burn it Up DVD.

    Good luck!
  • The slim and limber part is great! I also do the ab workout on the dvd every other day and so far so good. I've only been doing it for about 2 weeks but it;'s getting a lot easier and I've noticed an improvement, almost 5 lbs. I have recommended it to a few people. The jillian michaels one is great also? I'll have to give that a try.
  • Maybe I'm stopping it to soon? I'm about to do it for the second time today so I should see it at the end of Start It Up.
  • I rotate between Slim in 6 and 30 day Shred - two weeks for each DVD. I know each DVD has a specific program you can follow but I tend to get bored easy so this is the best way for me to stay motivated and get a good workout. I like the suggestion of doing Slim & Limber after each workout for a good stretch. Thanks.

    Switching it up also keeps your body from getting used to it. When I don't feel like my body is responding to what I'm doing, I'll switch it up again.

  • I saw the Slim in 6 Infomercial and got sucked in... the next day it was in the mail on its way to me. haha :smile:

    I've been alternating my workout to avoid getting bored - I try to go to Curves on M, W, & F and I do the Slim in 6 Start it Up on T, Th, & S - rest on Sunday. It's been working ok... if I miss one I just do whatever the next day is.

    My question for you guys is when you do a workout video, how do you enter it into your Exercise Log on MFP. I'm new to the site (joined yesterday actually :smile: My boyfriend put the app on my ipod for me as an encouragement :heart: now that's love.:love:) Anyway, I don't know how many calories I burn doing each of my workouts...

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks everyone!!!!

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have a HRM, so I enter my calories as Cardiovascular and add the name of the video I did. Good luck!
  • aag1030
    aag1030 Posts: 25
    I have a HRM, so I enter my calories as Cardiovascular and add the name of the video I did. Good luck!


    I guess that does it... I was thinking about getting a HRM... any tips on a good one?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I love my Polar F6, but it does require wearing the chest strap during exercising. My boyfriend has a Mio, which doesn't require a chest strap, but you have to remember to push the buttons to take your heart rate periodically while working out. It's all about whether you prefer chest strap or not.

    When I first bought mine, I thought the strap would be uncomfortable, but most of the time I barely notice it's there and I love being able to hit a button to start and then one to stop and never have to think while I'm focusing on my workout. Plus, I think it's a bit more accurate because it's reading my heart rate the entire time, which includes all of the times it increases or decreases.

    It's definitely worth getting one!

    Good luck!
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