Started yesterday

Hi everyone, my name is Jeane and I am 51 and just started yesterday. I have been experiencing foggy headedness in the afternoon or just before it is time for me to eat. Is this a normal sign or am I doing something wrong? Any help would do. My profile is publice so if anyone can look at it and see if I am not eating right or what that would be a big help. Thank you in advance. :smile:


  • sew8230
    sew8230 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Jehuster, I starteId yesterday as well. I'm not a professional so I'm not sure why you are getting light headed. It seems like you are eating well.
  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    Hi Jeane, Here is what I saw. First try to drink more water. It seems hard to do at first but you'll get used to it. Second, I think you need more protein and if you do start walking daily a few more carbs wouldn't hurt either. I didn't see anything else that looked questionable. Maybe start by increasing the amount of chicken on your salad at lunch time, find a different kind of nut that you could use for a snack. For instance almonds if you like them have the same amount of protein but 3 grams less fat. And 1% milk instead of 2% has the same protein but 2 grams less fat. All considered I think you are off to a great start. Try a bit more protein and carbs and see if that will help with your symptoms. If it does not I would think you need to see your family Dr. Maybe increase your calorie allowance by 100 or even 200 for a short time and then step it down to your default value by about 50 cals a week over a few weeks so your body isn't shocked by the sudden decrease in food consumed.
  • jehuster
    jehuster Posts: 168
    Th:smile: nks for the advice...I will try increasing my protein and my water consumption and see what happens. :smile: